Hated Gold| Chapter 12

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A/n: hi hi, hope everyone doing ok, I hope that this book is enjoyable, idk how to write this in the pov I usually do so heres a pov change

found on twitter aka X (¬_¬ )I really dont like saying X

: mintcocktail/ extra_minta

Panting heavily my body slumped over as I clung to my left shoulder with my hand. My staggered stance threatened to falter under the sharp gaze of piercing golden eyes. My body weak from the escape.

The tall body of the person was hidden in the night shade of the ally, I wasn't even able to tell if they had anything of a threat in their hands. But this moment felt all too familiar the same darkness I felt at the ball when that man appeared.

Knowing he was a threat to escaping I forced myself to straighten my body to not show weakness but I feel I already failed by my previous huffing. He took a step forward and I strained my eyes to adjust to the dark setting so I could see the very faint outline of his body.

Going to grab the gun I stole from before I froze when I didn't feel it. I cursed myself for having dropped it when pulling stupid stunts. 

He was now only a few feet away from me when I was able to fully see his body although it was incredibly dark. I took a step back to create some space but his lips twitched in a grin making me grip my teeth in annoyance. I lowered my arm from my shoulder.

As I lowered my arm I winced as it was grabbed by the tall males, I still had no idea of his name nor any hints. He pulled me closer to his body till we were inches apart, my hand hovered over his chest held in place by his grip on my wrist.

I struggled against him and gave him an angry side look but he tightened his hand around mine and his free hand grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. I froze, my injured arm unable to move so my option of punching was out. I was about to speak when I was cut off.

"what do we have here, a little birdie that decided to abandon all warnings"

I felt his hand trail down my chin and lightly wrap around my neck. I narrowed my eyes at him. It was two dark energies clashing with one another like sparks of lightning( does that even make sense eh who cares). 

"and you seem to not take me seriously, I said I wouldn't be held in this prison"

His grip slightly tightened but then loosened again.

"was it really that much of a prison, you could have left any time all you had to do was give that little piece of information"

"I don't give things for free nor to those who are undeserving"

The man smiled but it was a dark smile not one of kindness.

"and what makes you think we should give you anything, wasn't saving your pretty life enough"

I made a disgusted face in the form of a frown.

"whoever said that you are the deserving ones, I'm sure i've said this before"

"maybe, maybe not"

I rolled my eyes and twisted my wrist to get out of his grip but he only twisted it back.

"ah ah, not so fast"

I was growing too weak and my vision blurred slightly but his hand on my wrist pulled me forward again so that we were barely an inch from touching. I felt a sudden rush of energy as I tried to twist and escape again. I really should've saved some energy for the final run but at the moment my only thought had been to get out of the building.

One thought popped into my head and it was my only shot of getting out so...

I rammed my head right into his chin causing him to let me go and take a step back as he grabbed his jaw. I stumbled back my head grew dizzy after such a move and I mentally mumbled 'How many thing am I adding to my list of never do again tonight'. looking back up at him seeming to have recovered but had a pissed look on his face.

That when I felt a sudden pain in the nape of my neck causing me to tear up my old back a yelp. It felt wrong like a burning sensation, almost a mix of when you have a bug bite that you really want to scratch and one of burning yourself on a hot plate of food bur ampted up a few notches.

While being controlled by the sensation I didn't realize the golden eyed man had moved closer. I held the back of my neck as I watched the tall man take my chin again and whisper. 

"smart move, but we'll have to continue this game later"

I felt my legs give out and I collapsed my body fell only to not hit the hard ground but something more gentle but before I could register my vision went black.

A/n: yo tbh i'm terrible at writing tense or even normal conversations and it always turns out bad or flirty so I spend so long trying to figure out what is to say, and yet it still sounds bad in my head ahhhh. also it funny since I'm not a flirty talker nor do I text flirty so the random flirty sentences when I write are out of nowere imma be so happy when I can finally write cute stuff

Any way I hope this makes sense since I had to keep changing the sentenced to not sound like like one very shy person is trying to fight a crusty bagel

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