Bones| Chapter 11

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A/n: yo, hope yall are having/had a good day, or even a good night's rest (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Blaring alarms echoed through the halls as thumping steps of dozens of guards thunder run through the long halls. The shout of someone saying 

"All available units patrol and catch ____"

Repeated in everyone's ears.

A short brown-haired girl giggled as she skipped alongside a tall gold-eyed man.

"How exciting, she escaped"

The man just glanced at the girl unimpressed and with a look of disapproval.

"she shouldn't have been able to get out"

"and yet she was"

The short girl teased him, her long pigtails bouncing behind her.

"with her weak state, she can't get far before collapsing"

She giggled darkly her flower eyes giving off a slight glow in the dark hall. The man ignored her as he focused on their even pace toward their destination. The short girl spun then continued skipping her antics not causing any distraction to the male.

The girl grabbed onto the male's arm and tugged him forward but he didn't budge.

"if she dies can I plan the funeral"

"she won't die"


The male sighed and walked ahead of the small energetic girl. It didn't take long till they reached their destination. The golden-eyed man knocked on the door and it opened revieling a shorter male.

The small male glanced at the golden eyed man then at the energetic girl and sighed. The short girl jumped at the short male causing him to stumble back to avoid her, making her fall on the floor with a whine.

"I leave her in your care"

"a-i see"

The short male nods reluctantly, seeming really annoyed to have to deal with the antics of the red-eyed girl. The tall man gave him an appreciated smile. With a small nod from the small boy the lapis-eyed man left.

Y/n panted as she raced through the long halls her shoulder ached as she slid on the ground as she took a sharp turn making her use her hand scrape the floor so she wouldnt fall. Many foot steps echoed behind her forcing her to run faster, her only chance of escape was of small glaces she took of Qiqi's note book.

She scoffed as this remined her of the many time she ran from guards as a teenager. Y/n's eyes widen as she saw the metal security door she was needing to get to closing. This door was different from others she had seen it had both a bottom and top door, meaning it came together like a jaw. She huffed and grumbled at the thought of having the jump through but she decided to do it anyway.

She had grabbed the gun of one of the guards she knocked out, she turned back to those following her and started shooting. She didn't care if any of the bullets hit only that she slowed them down. As she shot at them she looked back at the door and saw it would close soon so she quickened her pace and jumped backwards through the door using her small gymnastic ability to flip herself and spring off her hands as the door shut.

Y/n's landing wasn't as graceful as the flip as she had tumbled to the floor when her shoulder gave out under her body weight. Crashing to the floor she let out a little cry of pain when her injured shoulder crashed under her body . Y/n groaned in pain as she pulled herself up with one hand so she was sitting on the floor supported by her unharmed arm, her hair was messy and in her face.

'i have no time to rest but fuck that hurt'

She muttered under her breath and pushed her body up and look at her surounding. Seeing a window she stumbled over to it and looked out. The height wasnt to far from ones she had jumped before and she might as well break a few bone to as to her list of stupid thing Y/n did while trying to escape people.

Using her remaining strength she got herself onto the ledge of the window and prepared to jump. Her body tumbled to the roof of the bulding next door, it must have been one of their storage unit since it would be stupid to have a normal building so close to your base but those were thoughts for later. Her body ached in pain and she cursed under her breath as she rolled over.

'yep not doing that again'

Her voice rasped as she groaned. After sitting there for a few minutes she got up and hopped down the fire escape. Reaching the ally way were she could hide in the shadows her final strength gone leaving her weakly stumbling the dark ally. 

Y/n's body froze, a pair of fark amber eyes stared deeply at her it was to dark to show who they belonged to but they were eerily familier...

A/n: hi hi, im still looking for the cyno fanfic and still need help finding it o(TヘTo) if it even still exists, other than that I hope this chapter was okay, I got unmotivated and didn't post yesterday so this is yesterdays chapter hehe

bye bye

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