Dream?| Chapter 13

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A/n: yo why did I actually forget wattpad was a thing💀yet I was literally reading a book yesterday, I'm stupid, anyway I'm sorry for not posting ahhhhhhh I literally had chapters ideas ready to write I'm mad at myself eh it'll be alright

If there are more typos than usual thats because I'm writing on my phone instead of my laptop so sry

Y/n shot up, mind racing as her blurry vision cleared. Looking around the dimly lit room she found herself in her bedroom, like her actual room. Y/n shifted her position so her legs dangled of her bed and sunk onto the floor.

Y/n looked up and down her seated body in the mirror that sat on the wall next to her bed. Her bruised body showed no signs of injuries or earlier bruises it was almost as if she had never been an injured at all. Y/n stood on wobbly legs as she felt dizzy and exhausted, looking fat her bedside table she saw her phone. Turning on her phone she was met with 7 missed calls 30 unread messages and 2 face times, the little hologram flickering with the low charge of her phone so she wasn't able to clearly read the messages.

Groaning she set her phone down on its charger and saw the bright battery sign show up. Looking back around her room she slowly and cautiously walked toward her living room/ kitchen area. Everything was were it was supposed to be, maybe a little dusty but that didn't bother her. 

'How did I-... w-why am I-...'

Her thoughts races but we're all cut off by more questions.

'Wasn't I just in the hold of those crazy people"

Looking at her clothes y/n nnoticed that they looked clean and were unripped, only a few wrinkles showed any signs of being worn.



Her head shot in the direction of the sound, looking right at her door she moved wearily over to the door. Taking the knife she hid beside the door she slowly opened the door a peak only to have it burst open with a shouting girl in red and yellow. Y/n stumbled back quickly hiding the knife behind her back as she stared at the girl in front of her. Her black braided hair sat on top of her head like bear ears, her yellow brown eyes bright and filled with worry. It was...



The bright-eyed girl jumped on the confused Y/n.

"W-why are you crying, is that even a cry?!"

"You haven't come out of your room for a like a week"


"You've been so sick that you didn't even let me in to take care of you"


Y/n thought 

'Thats not right, right?'

"I'm sorry for worrying you Xiangling"

"Y-you look so pale, please let me take care of you, I'll make you the yummiest food that'll make you all better"

Y/n could only fake a small dull laugh, she wanted to appreciate Xiangling, but she had no clue what was going on and why Xiangling was saying she got sick.


Xiangling looked so determined as she picked up the bag she brought with her and ran into the small kitchen of y/n's home.

"Go brush your hair while I cook, it's a mess and I mean that in the kindest way, you look pretty even with messy hair"

Y/n shook her head at Xiangling. She walked over the her bathroom grabbed her hair brush and started brushing through the knots in her hair.

After a few minutes of brushing and detangling her hair, Xiangling came in to check on her when she stopped and just stared at Y/n. Y/n noticed her in the mirror and turned to look at her.


"Since when did you have a tattoo on your back?"


"The tattoo, it's like a diamond shape and it is orange"

Y/n quickly turned around so her back was to the mirror and she looked back to faintly see the tattoo Xiangling was talking about. It sent alarms blaring in her mind but she pushed them down so the black-haired girl wouldn't notice her distress.

"O-oh y-ya I got the right before I got 'sick'"

She lied

"Oh well it looks cool, interesting design you went with"

Y/n could only give a small fake smile.

"Now come on food is almost ready"

A/n: hi hi, I'm surprised with the read but I'm glad your enjoying or just here bc why not, ☺️, Imma start listing the song I listened to on repeat while writing the chapter bc why not, alright imma go talk to myself about how cute Xiao is, bye

Song listened to for chapter: Sharks by Imagine Dragons

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