Chapter 6

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                             "Her Savior"

Zyleith woke up first, as she usually did. Even though she was still sleepy, her senses were alert. She felt a warm breath on her neck and slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes widened when she saw a woman peacefully sleeping next to her—they were even hugging.

Suddenly, her cheeks flushed and her heart began to race.

"How did we end up at this estate? What should I do? This is so uncomfortable," she thought while trying to move carefully.

"What am I doing? And if she wakes up… it's not a big deal. Besides, we're both girls," she reasoned as she pulled her arms in close.

She checked her wristwatch—it was almost 7 o’clock in the morning.

"Hey, wake up. We need to go, hey!" she called, patting the other woman's shoulder.

"Sleepyhead, you need to wake up. We have important things to do," she continued, persistently patting her.

"Hmm..." came a soft groan.

"Ms. Megumi, please wake up! We need to go," she said firmly, and slowly the woman opened her eyes.

"AAAAA!" the woman screamed, accidentally pushing Zyleith, who fell to the floor with a thud.

"OUCH! WHAT THE—MY EARDRUMS! ARGH! MY BACK! MY BUTT!" Zyleith groaned in pain.

"GOMENASAI—SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN IT! I WAS JUST SURPRISED TO SEE YOUR FACE SO CLOSE—SORRY!" Akari apologized as she quickly got up and helped Zyleith to stand.

"It hurts! What were you thinking, pushing me so hard?!" Zyleith complained, her tone edged with annoyance.

"I'M REALLY SORRY! I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" Akari repeated, bowing her head repeatedly in apology.

"AAA... DON'T TOUCH ME! I CAN GET UP. WE NEED TO GO," Zyleith said curtly.

"Wait, you can get up and walk properly now?" Akari asked, glancing down at her foot.

"Huh? Oh—right! I can... AAA!" Zyleith winced as her foot suddenly began to ache again.

"Are you okay? Let me see your foot," she said worriedly as Akari revealed a bleeding foot.

"Your wound is bleeding again—maybe because of that sudden force. Jeez! You're really a careless woman," Zyleith said in disbelief, though her tone softened with concern.

"Gomenasai, I was so worried about you earlier that I didn’t even think about my wound," Akari replied, pouting slightly.

"Is that so? Fine—stop pouting. We need to go so we can treat your wound," Zyleith said calmly as she grabbed Akari’s backpack.

"Let's go," she added, offering Akari a piggyback ride.
"Be careful," she said softly.

Zyleith closed the hut’s door behind them as she gently carried Akari. After a few minutes of walking, they decided to rest.

"I'm really sorry for being such a burden to you," Akari said shyly, bowing her head.

"Don't say that again. You're not a burden—and I just can’t let you walk on your own with that wound," Zyleith replied sincerely.

She's really like this even though she's grumpy and moody, Akari thought as she stole a glance at the tall woman.
"Stop that stare—I might melt," Zyleith teased with a smirk, and Akari quickly looked away, hiding her embarrassed expression.

"Where the hell are we now? How vast these woods are—we need to get back to the resort," Zyleith said irritably.

"Maybe there's someone over there. HELLO?! IS ANYONE THERE?! PLEASE HELP US! WE'RE STUCK SOMEWHERE IN THESE WOODS! HELP US, PLEASE! I'M WITH SOMEONE WHO NEEDS A WOUND TREATED!" Zyleith shouted, her voice so strained that it seemed her veins might burst and her face turned bright red.

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