Chapter 5

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After that, he didn't stop to reply to his friend's shouts, he just got out of there, getting inside a bathroom and closing the door behind him hard.

His breathing was ragged and difficult, his view a complete blur and he couldn't hear anything outside his head.

Quickly directing to the sink, he started pouring water on his face, then his neck, his pecs and arms, as if he was somewhat trying to get rid of the feeling of Yoongi's caresses, of his smell. As if he wanted to make him go, to ignore his existence.

"I'm not-, I can't, I'm not." He repeated himself, not daring to look in the mirror.

He felt sick.

His thoughts were sick.

Maybe he was sick too.

When he looked up, a tear rolled down his cheek. His neck had a bite mark, a deep one, impossible to go unnoticed, right at the crook. Where yoongi  had pointed at his vein.

He should've stopped him from the beginning. Of course he would get hard if someone abused his sensitive spots. It was obvious that he would.

It had nothing to do with his sexuality, just his body.

If someone stimulated him, he reacted.

The thing was, he didn't want anything with yoongi. That was the difference.

Those girls, he wanted to fuck them, he wanted girls to be impaled on his cock. Not boys, not yoongi.

So he wasn't bi.

He really wasn't.

After half an hour and repeated thuds to the bathroom door from someone on the outside, he decided to get out.

The first thing he did was find his clothes. He was proud of his body, but he felt exposed considering the bulge on his pants was still there and very visible.

He did not look for his friends, although he knew they were probably searching for him.

Some blonde girl grabbed him by the sleeve when he was trying to head out, stopping him from reaching the front door.

"Hey Jimin!" She shouted so he could hear her voice through the loud music.


It was Sana, he remembered the girl trying to get into his pants the previous year. She always wore tight jeans and cropped tops to try to get his attention, even though he never felt interest.

"You okay?" She asked with a seductive smile. Her purposes hadn't changed.

"Yeah, sure. Why?"

"Well, what happened back there was a bit intense." So she was one of the people who watched the whole scene. Jimin  pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing weekly. How was he going to look at any of those people in the eye again? "I don't judge you! Yoongi  is hot, you go for him if you like him!"

Sara just kept smiling, giving Jimin  reassuring words even though they were only sinking him deeper into his hole.

"I'm not bi ." He stated, voice raspy.

"Oh it's okay! You can be bi also, you know-" Jimin  cut her off by gripping her wrist tightly, pushing her to the wall forcefully and staring deeply in her eyes, intimidating the girl and making her look away as she whined, surprised by the action.

"I don't fucking like boys. Understood?" He spat on Sana's face.

"Um...yeah- sorry. I just- well, if you do- nothing's wrong with that-"

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