Chapter 26

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"I...I talked to him." Jimin  managed to let out, feeling his heartbeat trying to quicken but stop at the feeling of yoongi's  warm palm over his chest.

"Yeah?" A little smile spread on yoongi's  lips, suddenly making jimin  too aware of them.

"It didn't go too well..." He flinched at the memory, gripping yoongi's waist tighter.

"It doesn't matter." Jimin  looked up, not understanding what yoongi was implying. "You told him you're not giving up. I'm proud of you ."

This time it was jimin staring at yoongi  with big doe eyes, feeling the ache at his chest dissipate a bit hearing those approving words.


"Yeah baby." While he kept watching jimin's  heartbeat with one hand, he lifted the other to his damp blonde hair, hooking one strand of hair behind his ear. "You're so brave, you know? Not everyone would've had the courage to face their own father."

A little smile made its way on jimin's  lips, hiding it by dropping his face on yoongi's  chest, leaning his cheek on the warm hoodie.

"He threw me out of the house." Jimin  recalled suddenly, sighing and already feeling his head filling with worries. "I mean, I kinda expected it to happen. But it was just...too much."

Honestly, he didn't know why he was so surprised or hurt when everything that happened was obvious.

He knew everything except for the debt, and right now it felt like the smallest of his problems.

"It's normal. A parent shouldn't throw out their child like that, it's normal that you feel hurt." Yoongi  empathized, caressing jimin's  hair while his head still rested on his chest. "You can stay here if you want to."

 Jimin raised his head and stared at yoongi  with wide eyes, not expecting that offer at all considering their past.

"What? Here ?"

"Yeah, there's plenty of room." Yoongi  said as if it was obvious. "And I don't mind having you around." He smiled, although it was more like a smirk.

"I can't stay here." Jimin  shook his head. "I'll go with tae or joonie hyung ."

"You'll feel bad if you stay with tae, and Namjoon  will probably make you come here knowing that you have the option."

It was true, Taehyung  offered to take him in the day before, but they were also short in money at his house. It's not like jimin  would be there without paying some rent, but he didn't know how much he could offer either.

And Namjoon  seemed to have a special interest in getting Jimin  and Yoongi  together.

" Stay here ." Yoongi  repeated, grazing the blonde's jaw with his fingers. "You can stay as long as you want, you can have your own room and there's no need for you to pay anything."

"I'm not gonna stay here for free, yoongi hyung." He shook his head, he wouldn't feel good knowing that.

"We'll talk about it in another moment." Yoongi  ended up saying, not wanting to discuss more money issues with jimin  in that state. "For now, you're staying here."

 Jimin didn't have the opportunity to complain, though, since Yoongi  was already getting up from his lap and guiding him to the bed.

"You should get some rest or you'll get ill." Yoongi  instructed, making jimin  lay on the bed and turning around to leave.

"Where are you going?" Jimin  asked, already feeling his chest aching with the boy so far away.

"Um...To the living room?" Yoongi said , confused.

But then he felt jimin's  hand grab his own and pull at it, making him get closer until he was also sitting on the mattress.

"Can, like-" It was hard for him to voice what he wanted, and yoongi  was becoming more aware of it every time.

But he didn't need to finish the sentence, yoongi  smiled and laid with him, bringing him to his arms and enveloping his torso with his warmth.

Again, jimin's  face was buried on his chest, the strawberry  scent bumping at the pace of his heart and filling his nostrils, bringing air to his lungs.

"You don't have to worry, jiminie ." Yoongi  muttered, leaning his chin on the boy's hair and taking a deep breath. "You can ask me anything."

It sounded like a promise.

For the first time, jimin  felt like there was someone he could rely on.

Someone who was taking care of him.

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