Chapter 17

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"Baby." Yoongi  called, bringing his hands to his jaw and caressing it. "Look at me."

Without realizing, jimin  had closed his eyes, trying to get rid of the unpleasant thoughts.

So he opened them, gulping and feeling again that tightness in his throat.

They locked eyes, as intense as always, and yoongi  smirked before grinding down on his cock.

"Ahh-" A broken moan escaped jimin's plumpy  plush lips , abused by his nibbling .

"Yeah, that's it." The elder  huffed, leaning forward and kissing jimin's  cheek. "Only look at me."

He left a trail down his neck of open-mouthed kisses, feeling jimin's  skin warm up as if it was being touched by fire.

There was a moment where he decided to make his way between jimin's  legs , kissing his abs and licking the lines that separated them.

It was impossible not to touch jimin's  sun kissed  skin, yoongi  stuck his tongue out to lick his nipples in circles, sucking at the buds when the blonde was trembling with oversensitivity.

"Mphh-" jimin  kept whining and squirming, trying to get his chest away from yoongi's  mouth, but he wasn't able to. Firstly because yoongi  followed his movements, and secondly because when it came to a stop, he was aching to feel it again, pushing his torso up so yoongi could wrap his lips around his nipples again.

"You like that, kitten ?" Jimin  didn't answer, just brought his hands to yoongi  hair to keep his head in position. "Answer."

Jimin threw his head back when he felt pointy teeth scratching the sensitive skin of his pink nipples, shuddering and getting shivers on his whole body.

"Y-yeah." He finally confessed, making yoongi  smirk and bring his head lower, now kissing his toned stomach and leaving some spit behind.

Jimin's eyes widened when he felt yoongi's  fingers dip into the waistband of his boxers, lowering them slowly but skillfully.

He panicked again, gripping the sheets below him and tensing completely, knowing that he was naked in front of another man.

What the fuck am I doing?

This time, he wasn't drunk, everything was happening because he was allowing it, completely conscious.

"Relax, kitten . It'll feel good." Yoongi  reassured him, laying on his stomach and pecking the skin on his hips, making his cock twitch. "Just leave it to me."

To say jimin  was nervous was an understatement. He was practically making the bed tremble with him, with his shoulders tightly pressed against his neck and fisting the blankets.

He felt coldness when yoongi grabbed his cock , pumping it slowly and watching the tip glisten with precum.

Yoongi  peeked out his tongue and kitten licked jimin's  tip, tasting the saltiness of the wet substance on his mouth.

"Ahh-" jimin  moaned, yoongi's tongue was velvety and soft, wet, hard and gentle at the same time. The older  took his time just licking his length , starting on the tip and going down until he reached his balls , also giving them their deserved attention.

No one had ever stimulated jimin's  balls before, just his cock and not as slow as yoongi .

Usually, the girls just went for it, trying to get it all in their mouths and giving up before even getting started, embarrassed.

Jimin looked down to find yoongi already staring at him intensely, smirking with his tongue out, dipping the tip on the opening so slightly but making him feel a shudder running through his body, bringing him to jolt.

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