Chapter 18

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He knew his father wouldn't kill him, or that's what he thought, but knowing that his son had had sexual encounters with a boy would surely make him lose his mind.

And he didn't want to know what his father  was capable of.

It was Monday and he had to get back to school even if he didn't want to.

So, for the first time he did not worry about his looks. He left his messy hair and put on some black shirt and jeans.

He went past his father when he went to the front door.

The tears in his eyes kept pushing, and he kept holding them back.

His father  was sitting on the sofa, in the same position as always, leaning his head on the back and snoring with his mouth open, some random show played on the TV.

 Jimin couldn't help but compare himself to his father. Was he meant to end up also like that? With a son with whom he would not talk or even look and his only routine being work, alcohol and cigarettes?

It was hard to concentrate on class, most of all considering that yoongi was looking at jimin  the whole time.

He was not being so cautious at all, turning his whole head in his direction from a few spots beside him.

"Listen, class." The teacher silenced all the students while she pointed something on the blackboard. "I made the groups for the project. You'll have to follow this guide and cover all the points in it, yeah?" Jimin  sighed, already feeling the tiredness of having to do a task with someone else. "I'll hang the tab with the groups on the door so you can look at it when you leave."

The time passed slowly, it was as if jimin  could hear the clock doing its 'tic tac' each passing second.

Until the bell finally rang, and as usual, everyone got up and gathered their things not even waiting for the teacher to finish her sentence.

 Jimin was left with few people, since everyone was running to the door and looking for their groups.

He only sighed, feeling discomfort at people's eagerness, the only sound of their footsteps was so annoying.

When he got to the door, there were still some people gathered there, so he pushed a few to see his name on the sheet.

Park Jimin , Lee jihoon , Min yoongi .



"There's no fucking way." He spat, turning around only to find yoongi  also looking at the group and gazing quickly at him, shrugging. "You're so happy this happened, aren't you?" He frowned, looking down at the older .

Yoongi didn't react as he expected, though. His face was completely impassive, as if he couldn't care less about jimin's  blubbering.

"You should ask the teacher to change groups if you're so unhappy." The corner of his mouth turned downwards as he crossed his arms, challenging jimin .

"Do you think I won't do it?"

Just then, jimin  saw the teacher leaving the classroom and went straight to her, taking long steps to get faster.


" Jimin !" She turned with a wide smile on her face, her dimples showing up because of the huge stretch. "How are you? You seemed a little off today."

"I'm okay." He nodded to himself more than to her. "I just wanted to ask you if I could change groups with someone else."

"Oh? But why?" A worried frown appeared on her face.

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