Chapter 3

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Jungkook's house was already full of people, jimin had a hard time finding his friends, bumping carelessly into some people, some of them trying to flirt, others just too drunk to know where they were.

"Jimin! Finally." Namjoon exclaimed from the end of a ping pong table, downing a glass of beer.

"We thought you wouldn't come." Hoseok got closer and rustled jimin's hair, messing it up a bit and giving him an even hotter appearance.

"Well, I don't miss a party, do I?"

The boys laughed. "That's my boy. Let's get you something to drink."

"Where's tae?" The blonde asked, now realizing that there were only two of his friends there.

"Dunno, with kook probably." Hoseok dragged  jimin to a table full of alcohol and made a mix on a glass, giving it to the blonde.

When he sipped on it, he coughed. His throat burned with the different kinds of drinks Changbin had put inside.

"You didn't even put soda to ease the burn." Hoseok laughed, pulling  jimin from the arm and taking him to their previous spot.

"C'mon you can drink it without a problem."

And yeah, he didn't have a problem, not with the first one and of course not with the fifth.

Jimin shouldn't have let hoseok fill his glass each time he emptied it. Firstly because he shouldn't drink so much, and secondly because he didn't know what hoseok was putting inside the drink.

He could recognize vodka and gin, but considering there wasn't any kind of soda and the glass was full, it surely had something else.

He didn't ask either, or maybe he did but hoseok didn't answer, he didn't know.

The thing is, he was playing BeerPong with the and some other people when he heard loud cheering from their friends and a few claps.

He rolled his eyes as soon as he noticed who they were cheering at.


"Hey yoongi hyung, come here to play with us." Taehyung offered.

But jimin looked with disgust at yoongi, not moving an inch to make room for the boy to fit in the space behind the table.

"Oh no, don't worry. I'll go have a drink." Yoongi said and eyed the blonde from head to toe, a small grin appeared on his lips as he turned to leave the room.

Jimin's drunken ass was not really filtering his actions and words, he huffed in his direction and watched yoongi disappear behind bodies of people he did not know.

"Why are you still nice to him? He punched me." He asked taehyung.

"He's a good boy, and you were the one who started everything with that temper of yours."

"I didn't-" jimim sighed. "So what now, are you gonna be friends with him? Are you gay too?"

Taehyung's eyes widened and he started looking for the ball nervously, shaking his head.

"No, of course not. It has nothing to do that we're friends with my sexuality, jiminie."

"I don't like him."

"I don't think he likes you either."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, thinking about it and the sudden need his friend had to interact with the new student.

"We're good as we are, I don't get why you gotta extend our friend group."

"I don't have to, but if it happens you're no one to make yoongi feel uncomfortable with your homophobic thoughts."

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