Chapter 19

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And jimin  didn't understand why he didn't try to stop him.

Why didn't he refute what yoongi  said?

Why hadn't he... defended himself?

The locker room was silent. He was silent.

The only noise being droplets of water falling from the shower head.

Yoongi  was right.

He was lost.

Jimin tossed his shirt somewhere and looked at his reflection in one of the mirrors, admiring the red marks covering his body.

They weren't too deep, his skin would be back to normal in a couple of days.

He inhaled deeply, the characteristic smell of humidity filled his nostrils, making his limbs relax.

But then he realized. He didn't remember the last time he was being himself.


The rest of the week passed slowly, going to school was boring and he couldn't get close to his friends since yoongi  was always with them.

So he had been alone, basically.

When he arrived home it didn't get any better. His father was not there or if he was, it was just the same as always, he lay on the sofa, drunk and smoking.

 Jimin didn't know how his father's  boss hadn't already fired him, to be honest. He showed up in those conditions every day to work.

Friday was there very quickly, they had another class with his teacher and jimin  was looking forward to it, hoping he could get that change in the group.

The teacher asked if someone was willing to leave their group, but no one said anything.

 Jimin looked around, gaping. There was always someone who didn't like their group. Always.

Why was everyone happy this time?

"Okay, then please continue with your task for today, I already sent you the material by email." His teacher closed the subject, not directing a single glance at jimin .

So he waited, he waited until the class was over to approach her.

He took quick and long steps, walking at her side.

"Why didn't you insist a bit more?" Jimin  grunted, frowning at the teacher.

"I told you that if someone wanted to change you would, but no one wants to, what am I supposed to do?" She explained, not stopping to talk to the boy.

"You're the teacher, just change the groups." He was angry, he was so angry.

He had been avoiding yoongi  for a whole week, hoping that he could lose sight of him completely. But he couldn't.

Of course he couldn't.

"Yeah, jimin . I'm the teacher." She  stopped for a moment to look at the blonde, with an angry expression. "And if I tell you to group with yoongi  and jihoon  you will." She simply replied, resuming her route and leaving jimin  behind.

He was fuming at this point. Why was everything and everyone against him?

How was he supposed to follow his father's orders if the wold seemed to be trying to get him close to yoongi  each fucking second?

That day, he didn't go to soccer training.

It was the second time he failed since he started playing.

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