Chapter 7

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"Are you gonna eat that?" Hoseok pointed at the side dish resting on jimin's plate, untouched.


"The chips. Are you gonna eat them?" His friend asked him again, pointing at them with his fork.

"Um..." Jimin  looked at the fries, as if he had just realized they were on his plate. "No, you can have them."

 Hoseok smiled, taking all of them and shoving them down at the very moment.

"You're not eating so much these days." Taehyung  pointed out, a worried expression on his face.

"I'm just not hungry."

"You gotta eat, Jiminie . You have soccer practice this afternoon." Namjoon  explained, pushing his pudding in jimin's  direction, giving it to him since he knew it was his favorite.

Although Jimin  knew his friends were only trying to cheer him up, he couldn't help but felt the need to get away from them.

He didn't want them to see him as someone who needed help, because he didn't.

He wasn't weak, he could take care of himself.

"I know. I'll get something on my way." He got up, collecting his things quickly. Namjoon  was about to stop him, but before he could even raise his voice, Jimin  was already gone.


The walk to the soccer field was quick, Jimin  went alone as he usually did and put on some music.

Some people greeted him on his way, he didn't even know most of them, but he said hi either way.

They started by warming up as usual, running from a cone to another one a few times and then doing push ups. Jimin was the team captain, so he always led the training sessions when their coach wasn't there.

This was one of those times, he had asked Jimin  to start the training since he had something important to do.

The blonde was counting his team mate's push-ups and readying the whistle to blow it when they reached the final mark.

"Fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-" However, when he spotted the coach walking to their position with a certain guy following him, he stopped in his tracks.

Some of the boys called for him and complained because they were almost reaching the goal when Jimin  spaced out.

"Okay guys, come here for a second, please." Minso , the coach, made the boys form a circle so they could all see him. "This is yoongi , he'll be training with us the next few weeks since cooking classes were suspended last semester. Let's teach him the basics and how we work here, yeah?"  Jimin  was completely stunned, he expected everything but yoongi in the soccer team. "And be nice to him, please."

Everyone laughed, as if they were already thinking about pranking the boy before they were warned.

"Jimin , you'll teach him today to see how his abilities are."

Jimin's eyes widened when he processed the information.

"What? Why me?"

"Because you're the captain? Do you not want to see how of a good players you have in your team?" Minso  raised an eyebrow, watching Jimin  just like the other members of the team.

He huffed, looking at yoongi  for the first time to find out he was already watching him, and of course, with a smirk on his lips.

When their eyes met, he felt again that shiver that went from his toes to the top of his head.

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