Chapter 11

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 Warning ‼️: semi smut!!!


"Come with me, kitten." Yoongi whispered, next to his ear .

 Jimin was hypnotized, following yoongi's instructions and letting the elder guide him through sweaty bodies further into the house.

There were people everywhere, he was worried about what they would think about him being dragged by yoongi out of the dance floor.

To be honest, he didn't know himself where this was leading, he was just so horny and drunk.

Yoongi  was drunk too, maybe even more than him, but he looked so sane all the time.

"Hey yoongi! Play BeerPong with us?" Someone shouted. Yoongi  declined the offer politely and rushed even more so the people wouldn't ask him further.

He was going so fast that he didn't notice a window open suddenly, causing a gust of air to enter the house, right where they were.

His short raised, and he just looked down, surprised by the sudden cold at his lower body.

Luckily, Jimin  walked closer quickly and used his hands to lower the fabric, touching yoongi's  butt accidentally in the process.

They were so close, yoongi  looked at Jimin  over his shoulder, since his back was to him, and smirked.

"Thank you, baby."

"You should be more careful with that short , anyone could have seen you." Jimin  scolded him, lowering the skirt a bit with his bare hands.

"Lucky me it was only you."  Yoongi  said, grabbing jimin's  hands at his sides and turning around, now looking at him completely, face to face. It felt weird, but so intense.

"Well, luckily I didn't see you either." Jimin  informed, pulling his hands away so yoongi couldn't take them.

"Do you like my outfit, Jimin ?" Yoongi  asked, leaning his back on a wall and showing himself off, looking at Jimin. "I chose it only for you."

Jimin  gulped, running his eyes through the elders  body and stopping at where some of his skin was shown. First his neck and collarbones, delicate and enhancing, then his tummy and the marked lines and finally his milky white  thighs, the skin so inviting and soft-looking.

"It's not that bad." He said, feigning ignorance.

"Oh, c'mon." Yoongi  pleaded, gripping jimin's  silk sheer shirt and pulling from it, making the boy take two steps forward and flush his body against yoongi's  suddenly. "Don't you like my shorts ?"

Jimin 's breath quickened, the distance between them non-existent and their faces were so close that he could smell the cherry scent on yoongi's mouth, probably because of a drink.

Yoongi  took jimin's  small yet veiny  hand and placed it on his naked thigh, using his grab to raise it little by little, making him feel that his skin was indeed so fucking soft and warm.


"Do you want to know what's underneath?" Yoongi whispered sensually, looking at jimin's  lips and gripping his neck with his other hand.

"Don't kiss me." Jimin  stated, pushing his head as far as he could in that position.

"Okay kitten ." Yoongi accepted, bringing his face close by his neck again and directing his lips to jimin's  jaw instead of his mouth. "I won't." He started kissing softly the skin there, trailing kisses down the younger 's  neck and leaving some spit behind.

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