Chapter 16

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Everyone followed yoongi  to one of the bedrooms, carrying Hoseok  as he said nonsense.

When they dropped him at the bed, both boys huffed and stretched their backs.

"Wait, I'll take some painkillers." Yoongi  left and turned back with a couple of pills, a glass of water and a damp towel.

"Why didn't he stop drinking when he noticed it wasn't water?" Jimin  asked, really curious about the situation.

"I don't know, he said he was too thirsty..." Namjoon  giggled, not understanding himself.

Yoongi  sat on the side of the bed and started swiping hoseok's  sweat with the towel caringly, making the boy smile.

"You're so sweet, yoonie hyung ." His voice was almost a whisper and his eyes were slightly open. "I wish jimin  could see it."

Yoongi chuckled softly, looking at jimin , who was shaking his head from side to side and rolling his eyes.

Clearly, Hoseok  wasn't fully conscious, because he was talking as if he was alone with yoongi .

"He's a bit rude but don't hate him, he's a good person." Hoseok  kept saying, warming jimin's  heart even though he didn't want to admit it.

"I know." Yoongi  said, surprising jimin  by the sincerity in his voice. "Try to sleep, yeah? We'll be around if you need something."

Their friend nodded and closed his eyes, doing as yoongi  said and trying to sleep.

They got out of the room and gathered in the hallway, where yoongi indicated to them where the rooms were so they could go to sleep if they wanted to.

"I've never had my own room." Jin explained, excited. "Yoongi , why don't you tell your mom to adopt me?"

Yoongi laughed, eating a bowl of fruit.

After the alcohol, they got hungry so they went to the kitchen to eat something quick.

"Don't say that." Namjoon  slapped his shoulder . "Your mom is great."

Jin whined and grazed the skin on his arm , frowning at the elder.

"Okay daddy."

Namjoon rolled his eyes and started leaving the room, tired of them. "I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow."

Some of the boys followed him, stretching and giggling because of their still drunken state.

So, after a bit of time, yoongi  and jimin  were left alone once again. This time, though, the older was more conscious of the situation.

Yoongi was leaning against the counter, eating the strawberries in his bowl . And jimin  was giving him his back, drinking some water on the opposite counter.

"Do you mind if I stay here tonight?" He asked, closing the tap of the bottle.

"I thought you didn't want to." Yoongi  replied, cockily just as always.

"I don't feel like going all the way to mc Donald's  again to take my car." He explained, turning his head to side-eye the elder .

"You can stay whenever you want, baby ." The sound of yoongi  munching on a piece of apple echoed in the room. "Why don't you sleep with me, kitten ?"

Nice try.

"You wish." He laughed, shaking his head. "You know," he turned around. "I can feel your gaze even if my back is to you."

Yoongi  smiled, sensing the juice of the fruits filling his mouth. "And how does it feel?"


They locked eyes, yoongi's stare was so intense, boring holes into jimin's soul and making him flatter.

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