Chapter 30

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After having dinner in the cantine, their classes ended well. Jimin had a few more exercises and homework than the rest of them because he had to catch up on the classes, but he didn't mind either.

All of them started leaving one by one to go home while Jimin kept writing in his notebook, completing another exercise and crossing it off his list.

"We should head home, don't you think?" Yoongi brought him out of his zone. He realized the boy had been looking at him since they were alone, drinking his strawberry milkshake while he leaned his black boots on the table, right in front of the younger .


The truth was, Yoongi's house felt more like home than his own after only being there for a single day.

"Yeah, sorry."

He got up, tidying up the sheets scattered all over the table and pushing his notebook and books inside the backpack.

However, when they were walking to the cantine exit, he dipped his hand into his pocket, touching the rough cold material of keys.

"Can we go somewhere first?" He asked yoongi , who turned still drinking from his shake and nodded casually.

It was a nice walk, the sky was much clearer than the day before.

It wasn't hot or cold, just the perfect weather where you could wear both short sleeves or a sweatshirt.

"Where are we going?" Yoongi asked when they were almost reaching their goal, biting the tip of the straw watching the streets.

"To the skate park." Jimin answered , and yoongi seemed to agree and respect him, only humming in response and then letting silence envelope them again, the only sounds coming from trees moving in the wind and some children running through the streets.

When they reached the parking lot near the park, Jimin pulled out the keys and pressed the unlock button, waiting for the lights of one of the cars to light up.

Yoongi looked around with him, but they didn't find any.

"Maybe it was a scam." Jimin concluded, taking a peek inside some of the cars just in case.

"I don't think so." Yoongi started walking further into the lot as Jimin searched closer to the park, almost losing faith on finding it.

"Let's go! We're not gonna find anything!" He yelled, trying to get yoongi to hear him since he was lost in sight.

But the eldest didn't answer. "Yoongi!"

He looked around, trying to find that mop of black hair somewhere near, but he wasn't able to.

When he walked around the park and still couldn't find him, he started panicking.

The only thought of yoongi gone made his heart beat faster and his legs move quickly.

He took long steps and opened his eyes widely, not wanting to miss a single detail.

"Yoongi !"

When he stopped on his tracks just to take a look slowly at his surroundings, his heart was already out of his ribcage, fearing the worst.

The neighborhood wasn't as bad as his, but knowing that yoongi was new and didn't know the place well, maybe someone had taken advantage of that.

"Jimin!" Yoongi's low voice called for him from what seemed to be the other side of the park. "Come here!"

To say Jimin ran to Yoongi's spot was a misunderstatement. The only thought of yoongi being in danger is making his blood freeze and his head burn.

But when he reached the man waving at him, he finally breathed, grabbing the boy by the shoulders and inspecting him.

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