Chapter 27

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Not even a few minutes after being enveloped by yoongi's  embrace, jimin  fell asleep.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but he didn't mind either.

His mind was empty, just concentrating on yoongi's  heartbeat and the warmth of the skin he was laying onto.

"Minnie~" He heard at some point a soft voice calling his name while a hand patted his head, taking him out of dreamland.

His eyes opened slowly, noticing the darkness surrounding the place.

He wasn't able to distinguish yoongi's  form, he could just feel it.

"Hmm?" His body ached. Maybe for the amount of time he had been running under the rain, or maybe because of his anxiety, or because of the cold.

He didn't know, but moving from his position felt like the wrong thing.

"We should go downstairs and eat something." At the mention of food jimin's  stomach grumbled in interest.

"I don't wanna." He nuzzled closer to yoongi , breathing against his skin the sweet strawberry  scent.

"You must be hungry, baby." It was really amazing for yoongi to see Jimin  doing those things.

He went from almost killing him by choking him to Kiss and hug him as if he was his savior.

It was really confusing, but he accepted it.

And it didn't feel bad either .

"Comfy." Jimin  muttered, enveloping yoongi's  waist with his arm and getting him closer, feeling up his milky skin under his fingertips.

Yoongi  laughed and grabbed his chin with his thumb and index, raising the younger's  head to have him looking at his brown orbs.

Then, jimin  discovered that it wasn't completely dark, there was light coming from the window. The moon illuminated the inside of the room, it came exactly from the balcony in front of the bed.

He just wasn't seeing anything because his head was buried under the covers and on yoongi's  chest.

"You gotta eat." Yoongi whispered. He was gentle but still firm, as if making a point.


What yoongi  didn't expect was for jimin  to get closer again and press his lips against his, dragging his soft mouth down until it was lingering over his nape .

"I didn't mean-" His words were interrupted by his own voice crackling at the feeling of the younger's teeth sinking into his sensitive pale  skin. "Jimin-"

The blonde didn't say anything, though. He just made happy noises when he felt his hair being pulled slightly and yoongi  giving him more access  closer to his mouth, breathing through his mouth.

A knock on the door made jimin  pause suddenly and look up at the boy in confusion, who was a bit disheveled, with a blush spreading on his cheeks.

"Yoongi? Can I come in?" A female voice spoke softly at the other side of the room, waiting for yoongi to say his response.

"Yeah, come in." Before Jimin  could ask or say a thing, the door was being opened and a woman, maybe at her forties entered the room, pacing to the bed slowly and sitting at the feet. "This is jimin ."

The younger  panicked, his eyes widening and his hold becoming even tighter at being introduced to someone in such a compromising situation.

He had never been like this with someone.

Cuddling after having cried so much, being so vulnerable.

"Hi, jimin ." The woman greeted him, smiling sweetly and tilting her head to the side.

She was so familiar .

Her way of moving, her gestures, her smile, her eyes...

"This is my mom, minnie ." Yoongi  said, lowering the blankets a bit so the elder was able to look at her better.

He peeked out his head curiously, slowly letting go of yoongi's  arms and sitting up, feeling awkward by the lack of clothes on him.

"Um...hi." He scratched the back of his head, looking lost at yoongi , not knowing what to do.

" yoonie told me you have problems with your parents." She spoke, not losing his reassuring smile for a second. "Are you feeling better?"

"Uhh...yeah, I'm better. I'm sorry for breaking into your house." She didn't yell or get angry, just smiled wider and nodded.

"It's okay, you can come whenever you want." Her voice was so sweet, so caring. So... different . "And you can also stay here, we'll be so happy to have you."

It didn't seem like she was being just nice, but by the tone of her voice there was also concern and care behind her offer.

"I don't want to bother." He scratched the back of his head, really feeling like it wasn't his place to stay.

"You're not a bother." She frowned, almost as if offended. "We won't let you go anywhere else when you can be here. Right, yoonie?"

With his gaze now fixed on yoongi , he watched the boy nod, the same smile as his mother's reflecting on his lips, as if they were the same person.

"You're not going anywhere, jimin ."

Jimin  felt his heart aching at the words. But it was different than ache when he left his house. This felt good, it wasn't painful. Just... overwhelming .

I gotta go catch a plane for tomorrow's conference but I made dinner. It's waiting for you on the kitchen." She got up from the bed and got closer to the boys, carefully placing a kiss on her son's head and smiling at jimin . " Yoongi can lend you some of his clothes, or you can grab some from the guest rooms." She caressed the blonde hair with one hand, taking it off jimin's  face. "Make yourself comfortable, sweetie."

Her touch felt so good on his face, it made something inside him want to cry.

Was this what a mother's love felt like?

However, she turned again and left to the door, throwing more kisses at the boys on her way out. "I'll be back in two days, take care!"

 Jimin couldn't help but let the first tear roll down his face.

It was silent, he didn't notice he was crying until his view turned blurry and his face was almost soaked.

Yoongi  noticed when a little sob left the younger's  mouth, nudging closer and sitting right behind him, again stretching his arms around him and kissing his shoulder softly.

"Why are you crying, baby?"

 Jimin didn't know himself. He was just starting to feel the void in his chest that had been there for ages starting to somehow fill with something.

Something he didn't know.

"She- she's so nice." He made out, feeling yoongi's  fingers brushing off his tears.

"Yeah, she is." Yoongi  opened his mouth for a second, closing it right after as if he regretted what he was about to say. "What happened to your mother?" He finally let out, not sure if it was something jimin  wanted to talk about.

The younger  just shrugged and sniffed, letting yoongi dry his face with his hands.

"I don't know." He started, trying to get back to that place in his mind that had the memories fully buried, hidden behind a blurry wall. " I don't remember ."

Yoongi  frowned, but he didn't comment on anything else. Enough bad memories for one day.

Instead, he just landed one more kiss on jimin's  naked shoulder, posing his lips over it and smelling the rain on him.

 Jimin turned his head to look at the boy, feeling a thump suddenly making his heart bump from side to side.

It felt like butterflies .

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