Chapter 4

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"Okay." Namjoon smirked, drifting his gaze to Jimin. "You gotta get Jimin  hard."

"What?"  Jimin was the first to answer. Now that he was out of his daze, he was starting to realize what was happening, even though he still wasn't fully conscious. "No."

"But it's his dare, Jimin ." Namjoon smirked, as if he was somehow taking revenge on something.

"C'mon, it's just a game."  Taehyung chimed in, giving puppy eyes to the blonde.

"I said no." He wasn't going to let  yoongi get near him, much less with sexual purposes.

His statement was so firm that everyone shut up, not even trying to convince him anymore.

"Why?"  Yoongi spoke up. When jimin turned his head and looked at the boy, he was grinning and raising an eyebrow, as if yoongi was challenging him. "Are you scared?"

"I'm not fucking scared. But I'm not gay."

"Well, if you're not, why don't you give me a try? You know you won't get hard, right?" Yeah, yoongi  was challenging him. His eating shit smirk made Jimin 's insides turn.

And for a moment, he thought about it. He wouldn't get hard, would he?

 He didn't like boys, whatever yoongi did didn't matter because he wouldn't get turned on.

And aside from that, it was difficult for him to get hard. Usually, when he was about to have sex the girls had to suck him off or jerk him off because he wasn't hard enough.

If it didn't happen when he was about to have sex, why would it happen in a game, and with a man?

He wanted to prove his point, this was his moment to show yoongi that he was not like him. To end up with the smirk on his face instead.

"Yeah, I won't."

"Then what's the matter?" Yoongi kept looking at him intensely, challenging and with a smirk on his lips. That expression drove jimin crazy, he wanted nothing more than to lose sight of him, forever if it was possible.

After a few moments of silence and shared looks, Jimin  sighed.

"Okay. You can try."

As if he had switched something in yoongi , his smirkwidened, he already looked as if he had won.

Everyone in the room cheered, and their friends were between surprised and worried, except for namjoon , who looked also very excited.

"What are the rules?" Yoongi asked namjoon.

"Okay, we'll give you 3 minutes. You can't kiss him or touch his cock, and he can't touch you, just the other way around, everything good?" He asked the two of them, who nodded and waited for namjoon to signal the start.

 Everyone in the room was excited, and all of them shut up to give intimacy to the boys, funny considering there was people everywhere.

"The time!" Namjoon  activated the timer on his phone and looked up, focusing on the scene in front of him.

Yoongi  started to crawl to Jimin , he wasn't fast but also not slow, his hips moved from side to side, showing off his butt to the people behind him.

He looked like a feline about to get his prey. His position was very similar, and the look in his eyes... it was just predatory.

Jimin was normally sat, leaning on his hands. His arms with the pressure applied downwards.

He felt powerful. He shouldn't be thinking that, but watching yoongi from above, feeling his body hovering over him was just something.

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