Chapter 8

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The water rinsed part of his thoughts. He had always liked water, the feeling of being surrounded by it, by immense silence and peace.

The only sound in the locker room was the running shower water and the laughter of some of his teammates, who were already getting dressed.

"Is the new boy good, jiminie?" Jin asked, interrupting Hyunjin's calm shower.

"I think so." He yelled so they could hear him.

"He looks like the kind of guy who would ruin your life with a smirk on his lips ."  Taehyung laughed off.

He was right.

Jimin pictured yoongi's face on his head, that powerful smirk that he always wore, even when he was doing something bad.

Like when he asked the director to punish him, talking to him with so much superiority in his voice.

"We're leaving, close the locker room when you're off!" His mates warned. He only hummed, jimin didn't feel like talking, he just wanted to be alone.

As he rinsed the sweat off his skin and left part of the heaviness of his shoulders in that shower, jimin could only think about little things.

About details that came naturally to his mind.

Like the image of his shampoo falling off his hair. Or the water coating his skin.

Or dark black eyes.

Eyes that looked so sexy and destructive and seductive at the same time.

Or juicy thin lips.

Always stretched in a large grin, looking so soft and pouty.

Jimin seemed to realize what he was thinking about when a bump of cold water hit his skin, signaling that his shower was coming to an end.

He shook his head, confused by his own thoughts and got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his lower hips.

He was drying his hair with another towel as he walked to the lockers.

"Oh you're already done? I was gonna join you."

As if a hammer was hitting his head after thinking his torture was already over, yoongi's voice hit his brain.

"For fuck's sake. Can't you leave me alone even for a minute?" Jimin sighed, throwing the item in his hands to the bench in front of him and looking inside his locker.

"Do you really want me to leave you alone, kitten?" Yoongi teased, watching the blonde from behind and picturing the roll of his eyes, leaning his back against one of the walls. "Do you want to go back in there?"

"Why would I want to shower again?" Jimin took his clothes and placed them on the same bench as before.

"You know, your shower would've been much more interesting if I had been there with you."

"I doubt it."

"That's because you haven't tried it yet, sugar." Yoongi smirked, walking a few steps closer to jimin.

"I'm not interested in trying anything with you." The blonde spat, bringing his head up for the first time and looking at the boy. "Are you going to shower or what?"

"Why? Do you wanna see me naked?" He said, arching his eyebrow.

"I just want you gone so I can change."

Yoongi tilted his head, bringing his hands to the hem of his shirt and lifting it up until he took it off and threw it away.

Without breaking eye contact with jimin, he kept going with his pants, sliding them down so he was only left in his black dolphin shorts.

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