Chapter 29

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"Mornin' jiminie." Yoongi's morning voice echoed in the room. Lower than usual and a bit raspy. And since his head was so close to jimin's ear, he could feel the vibrations of it sending shivers down his entire body.

"Mornin'" yoongi crawled closer, hugging jimin tighter at the same time as he stretched his limbs.

They had to get out of bed, and after so many hours of sleep their bodies needed to activate for a bit.

But it was so difficult.

It was so difficult when it felt that good.

Yoongi grabbed jimin's jaw with both hands so he could watch the younger's face from closer, caressing his cheeks with his thumbs and tracing the outline of his lips right after, puffy and red from sleep and crying.

They looked at each other, basking in the warmth and company of themselves.

Yoongi leaned in, kissing the same spot he had caressed on his cheek with his finger, then leaving a trail of kisses down until he was nearing his jaw.

All jimin could do was raise his head to allow better access to the boy, letting out soft whines and content sounds when he felt yoongi's pouty lips carefully leaving bits of spit on the spots he was kissing.

"Mhmm-" When yoongi reached a particular spot right below his ear, jimin squirmed, gripping his hips tighter and getting closer to his body, if it was even possible.

A melody started ringing through the whole room, starting at the bedside table.

Yoongi withdrew his lips from jimin's skin and turned around to silence the tone, sighing right after.

"We gotta get up."

Jimin pouted, closing his eyes to enjoy yoongi's touch on his hair.


"Because we gotta go to class, baby." Yoongi's voice was the only thing keeping him there to not just drift again to sleep.

"I don't want to." He replied, making a complaining noise and scrunching his face just by thinking about separating from yoongi. "Besides, I don't have my things with me."

He had left everything behind at his house, he only grabbed his phone and jacket before sprinting off without looking back.

"I can lend you a backpack and some notebooks until you recover yours." Yoongi's voice was something else. While his heart quickened with the feeling of coming back to his house, or well, his father's, yoongi's low and calm tone was able to make his muscles relax. "C'mon, take a shower. I'll wait for you downstairs."

And again, the void returned when yoongi's warmth was gone.

He felt his chest sinking and his body became heavier with his absence.

So he took a quick shower, rinsing the rain off his body with the only purpose of going back down to yoongi.


They started classes normally, more normally than he expected.

It was like a routine, and some teachers reached out to show him the lessons they had been working on the last few days.

Being a good student was a perk in so many ways. For example, no one questioned your absence the whole week, just made sure that you had everything ready for exams.

And he was more than happy with that. He couldn't imagine having to explain what happened to his professors.

"Jimin!" Suddenly, he felt someone throwing themselves on top of him in the hallway, hugging his shoulders.

"Hey tae." Taehyunb seemed so happy to see him, his eyes shining and transmitting joy.

"Hey, leave room for the others." Hoseok chimed in, also doing the same as taehyung and almost knocking him out with the force of his embrace. "We missed him, too."

The elder ruffled his blonde hair, messing it and leaving him to brush it with his own fingers.

"I was only gone for a week." He rolled his eyes, as if it hadn't been an eternity for him.

"It was a long week, though." Namjon was the one to talk, then. They looked at each other for a moment, jimin fearing that joon was still mad and joon observing his face, taking in the puffy red eyes.

But then, a dimpled smile made its way on the elder's lips, and he shook his head from side to side.

"I guess yoongi went to see you, then?"

Jimin lowered his head and took a quick glance at the pale pink lips boy, who was walking next to them, having a heated discussion with jin about a new game that came out.

"Yeah, he did." Namjoon smirked, huffing out a breath when he noticed the way jimin's eyes stared at the boy. "What?"

"Nothing." But his smile was so wide it was impossible to hide it. His dimples showed even though he tried to stop them. "I did expect you to listen to him, but not this quickly."

Jimin didn't give it too much thought, but namjoon was right. The same day that yoongi talked to him he planted a seed of hope in his head, and it grew so fast.

"So...what happened, Minnie?" Taehyung asked out loud, noticing his new backpack and clothes.

"Uhh..." He didn't want to explain anything, but he owed them at least something. "Remember when I told you he would throw me out of the house?"

Taehyung's eyes widened as saucers, still not believing that someone would do that to their own son.

"What? Are you for real?"

"Yeah... I don't wanna talk about it." He shrugged off the matter, feeling a bit normal already and not wanting to remember the day before.

"Okay, I understand." His friend nodded, grabbing the joint from jungkook's fingers and taking a drag. "But- where are you staying?" Taehyung seemed to realize that part when he was puffing out the air, looking at Jimin, distressed.

"I..." He cleared his throat, glancing down and to his friends, also worried about it. "I- um..."

"He's at my house." Yoongi replied, talking as if it wasn't a big deal and smiling at Jimin covertly. "There's too much space there, and I already told you I wouldn't mind the company, so we figured it would be the best option."

Their friends nodded, all of them understanding that it was logical but still knowing that there was another reason behind it.

"So what I have to do to live in your house is get my parents to throw me out?" Hoseok complained childishly, feeling like Jimin needed them to change the conversation.

All of them laughed and changed the subject to mess with him, finishing the cigars and drinking their sodas comfortably, waiting for the break to end.

Jimin didn't know what kind of piece was waiting for him, but he was happy with whatever knowing that he had won it by himself.

While the blonde leaned against his hands, laughing at junglook's silly dance, he felt fingers entwining with his.

Yoongi was in the same position as him, dragging his hand to Jimin's discreetly and caressing his digits, only looking at him for a second, waiting for the younger to approve the contact or get away.

But how could Jimin get away from his touch when it felt that good?

And maybe, just maybe, namjoon noticed their little exchange, smiling proudly at the couple.

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