Chapter 20

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"Hey kitten ." Yoongi  said in a low voice, stopping right in front of jimin  and leaning on the opposite elbow than the blonde.

"You can't leave me alone, can you?" Jimin  took a sip from his drink, mixing the strawberries inside it with his index finger.

"Not when you're looking at me like that." Yoongi grinned, stopping jimin's hand reaching a napkin and taking his wrist with one of his hands, looking so big  in comparison to the blonde's.

Before jimin could realize, yoongi was leaning in and wrapping his luscious lips around the tip of his finger, licking the alcohol mixed with the taste of strawberries off.

Jimin  watched his thin plushy lips closing around his finger, the warmth enveloping it reminded him of when it was another part of his body being surrounded by it.

Yoongi didn't pull off right away, he bobbed his head a few times, slowly so jimin could feel the silkiness of his tongue.

And when he finally looked away, he found yoongi staring right at him, intensely and with a glint in his eyes.

"Stop." He ordered, taking his hand away and breathing deeply.

"Why?" Yoongi smiled. "Remind you of something?" He leaned his chin on the palm of his hand, looking at jimin dreamily.

"Nothing good." He said dryly, taking one of the strawberries inside his mouth.

"Oh really?" Yoongi's grin only grew as he got even closer to the elder. "It didn't feel good to have your cock buried in my throat?" He whispered, his breath hitting jimin's cheek.

He gulped loudly, although he didn't know if it was because of swallowing the cherry or just because of yoongi's obscene words.

"It wasn't that bad." He lied, thinking that it had been the best blowjob he had ever received.

But of course, he wouldn't let yoongi know that.

"I should practice more, then." His thin lip caught between his teeth as he looked at jimin lowering his head.

"Maybe you should." Jimin replied, not really thinking about his answer and munching on another strawberry.

Yoongi smiled, watching jimin's lips pout when he ate it.

"You know, if you like strawberries that much you should taste my lips." Yoongi  let out, still gawking at jimin's own stained with some of the red juice.

"What?" He was confused until yoongi explained himself.

"Strawberry-flavored -lipbalm." He smirked, peeking out his tongue and licking some of the gloss on his lower lip, slowly and tempting. "Want some?"

Jimin stood in the same position, feeling yoongi getting closer, between his legs and running his hands on his torso.

Strawberry lipstick.

He pushed yoongu  away a bit before he could reach his lips, though, which only made yongi's  grin grow.

"Always playing hard to get, kitten."

Jimin scoffed, drinking the rest of his drink and feeling a boost of confidence.

"Do you want to know something?" He asked, leaning his weight on his other leg.

"Of course, baby." Yoongi leaned his head on his fist, listening to  jimin's words attentively.

"I didn't like strawberries before I met you." He confessed, still looking at the elder and wondering how he would react.

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