Chapter 24

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The moment the engine was on, jimin  stepped on the accelerator, exceeding top speed and entering the highway.

" jimin , drive slower." Yoongi  grabbed the seat by the sides, switching his gaze between the blonde and the street.

"What were you thinking?" Jimin wishper yelled  , still thinking about the park scene.

"Me? What were you thinking? You can't just show up and fight whoever I was with."

"Were you gonna let him fuck you?" Jimin  didn't tear his gaze away from the road, even though he really wasn't paying much attention to it, the only thing he could see was red, blood red masking his whole view.

"What the fuck does that even matter? It's none of your business." Yoongi seemed to be oblivious to jimin's  rage, to the feeling growing tightly on his chest.

"Answer me. Were you gonna let him fuck you ?"

"Maybe I was. But you ruined it, as always." Jimin's  hand gripped tight the steering wheel and his foot directly applied more pressure on the pedal, accelerating the car even more.

Thankfully, there wasn't anyone outside at this late hour, so he wouldn't collide with another car.

"You're so fucking stupid." Jimin muttered, gritting his teeth and feeling his jaw crack with the tight pressure.

"Are you for real?" Yoongi  was incredulous, gaping and scoffing as if he couldn't believe what jimin  just said. "So, the straight guy. First you insult me without even knowing me, then you change your mind for a few minutes and plead me to jerk you off, then you fuck my throat to ignore me the day after and when I kiss Namjoon  you decide to bring me into a room and fuck me to then dump me with your cum literally still dripping from my ass.You tell me to forget about it, and I recall you saying that you didn't care how, and when I'm about to do just that and go with someone else you show up again to ruin it. And the stupid one here is me?"

It all came out of his mouth as if he had been holding it for so long, sprinting off his mouth and causing jimin's  head to throb because of the loud voice.

"Yeah, you're fucking stupid if you were going to let that jerk fuck you." As if he hadn't heard a single word, he kept going with the same subject, as if the only thing he could see or think was that.

"So what if I had let him? It doesn't have anything to do with you. You told me to forget about it, right?"

"So your way of forgetting what happened yesterday is going to fuck someone else?"

Yoongi huffed, clearly annoyed. Running his hands through his hair, he finally let out a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"I can do whatever I want with my body, jimin . You always tell me to forget you and that I'm disgusting but you're the one who reaches out for me every time."

Jimin tsked, shaking his head for a moment and laughing maniacally.

"So you're saying that you didn't want it?"

"No, what I'm saying is that you always treat me like it's my fault when it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't wanted to." In jimin's  brain nothing made sense, maybe because he was completely out of control at that moment, but he was sure that it was out of his system by then with all the feelings he had been through in the past minutes. "Can you even tell me why do you find me so disgusting?"

There was a silence of a few seconds where jimin  tried to remember who yoongi was and why he hated him.

"You're gay."

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