Chapter 21

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Before he realized, Jimin was throwing yoongi into a room and pinning him to the door harshly once it was closed.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jimin whisper yelled.

"What do you mean?" Again, yoongi played innocent, although by the look on his face, it was more than obvious that he understood.

"Do you think you can go kissing whoever you want?" The grip he had on Yoongi's arms tightened.

"Well, I actually can do whatever I want, baby." He raised one of his hands, sliding his fingers on jimin's  naked arms. "For example, right now, I want you." Yoongi  whispered, it looked like he was trying to hypothesize  Jimin .

"Yeah? Well, I'm sorry for you because I don't." He got away from the elder , giving him his back and crossing his arms.

"Oh really?" Yoongi's footsteps were heard in the room, pacing slowly towards Jimin . Prey and predator. "Why did you bring me here, then?"

Jimin  didn't answer, too consumed by his own anger.

"You should admit that you want me as much as I want you, baby." The elder  was a breath away from Jimin , his mouth whispering words to his ear from behind. "I dressed like this for you. I fingered myself before coming here thinking about you, hoping that you would show up." He landed a kiss on the crook of jimin's  neck, tasting the saltiness of his sweat on his lips. "I want you to fuck me, Jiminie."

In a single second, everything changed.

Jimin turned around, grabbing yoongi  harshly and pushing him on top of a desk, getting rid of his vest and shirt as fast as he could and hiding his face on his neck, Giving it little little peaks. The moment yoongi felt jimin's plump lips on his skin, yoongi became burning hot throwing his head back to give Jimin more access.

His only thought was to eat yoongi, to feel him in every way possible.

"You want me to fuck you hyung?" He asked, opening Yoongi's legs and positioning between them only to pull down his jeans down throwing them somewhere , god knows where and find black panties covering Yoongi's  already hard cock. "Fine then, I'll fuck you."

He didn't waste a second, dipping his fingers on Yoongi's fishnets and ripping them apart.

Yoongi moaned, looking downwards and biting his lip.

"Fuck, yeah." He brought his large fingers to jimin's crotch, opening the fly and grabbing his hard length through the boxers.

Jimin grunted, pushing his hips forward to feel Yoongi's  caresses better.

"Here, use this." Yoongi  urged him, handling him a mini bottle of lube that he was wearing in his vest pocket.

He looked down at yoongi, sprawled out on the desk with red cheeks, waiting for Jimin  as he took desperate breaths.

Not waiting a second more, Jimin  put the panties aside, watching Yoongi's pink hole clenching around nothing.

It looked so good.

So inviting.

He pushed his length all at once, making yoongi scream and hold onto jimin's  forearms tightly, sinking his nails on his skin.

"Fuck!" His chest rose and fell so quickly and his eyes closed tightly, scrunching his face with a glint of pain on it. "You- ah you're supposed to open me up first, asshole-"

Jimin was panting himself, wondering how it was possible that he was at the verge of exploding only by having his dick inside yoongi , he wasn't even moving.

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