Chapter 9

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"Well, I see you got your appetite back." Namjoon said, watching jimin devour his whole burger without taking a breath.

The cafeteria was busier than usual, but his group had managed to find a table.

"Yeah, is it because of yesterday's training?" Hoseok asked, curious.

"What? What do you know about it?" He yelled at hoseok, who was munching on a fry.

"Well, I know sport makes you burn calories...?" His friend explained, confused.

Jimin realized he didn't know anything about what happened with Felix. Well, how could he? Jimin hadn't told him and he was sure hoseok wasn't talking to yoongi either.

So he relaxed, taking a sip of his soda.

"What's all that panicking, minnie?" Namjoon seemed curious, as always. Jimin just rolled his eyes and went back to eating his food, not answering his friend's questions.

"Hey jiminie, are you gonna help me with that assignment?" Taehyung asked, referring to the one jimin had offered to explain to his friend two days ago.

"Fuck, yeah sorry. I forgot." He was already at his dessert , taking spoonfuls of pudding.

"Wanna meet at mine when we're done with classes?"

"I have soccer this afternoon. Do you want to meet afterwards?" All the boys despised that jimin played soccer, it took a lot of time out of him. Yeah, he was good, but it seemed like he wasn't because he liked it, but because he had to.

It was silly to think someone spent their afternoons playing something they didn't like pretending they did. But that's just how jimin was.

He was an enigma. Nobody knew anything about his private life, they tried to get in when they first met him, but jimin was very cautious with anyone finding out about his life.

"There's no soccer today." Just as always, yoongi showed up when jimin was relaxed and spending a good time with his friends .

"Really? Why?" Taehyung asked him, even though yoongi was looking right at jimin . The elder didn't even raise his head and kept eating his pudding, with his feet leaning on the table and watching the outside from the window beside them.

"The coach is sick or something, I don't know." A thud was heard when yoongi dropped his books on the table, he greeted the boys quickly while he side eyed jimin .

"You should sit with us, this place is full today." Hoseok offered, kindly as always.

But just when yoongiwas about to speak, jimin interrupted him.

"No." He simply said.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Namjoon told him in a scolding tone, just like a father would scold his son.

"I mean no. Do you not have more friends?" He spoke directly to yoongi this time, annoyed.

Yoongi smirked devilishly, and watched jimin intensely, it felt like they were alone.

"Do you?"

The question made jimin's guts turn. He thought he couldn't hate the boy more, always with his cheeky comments and bratty answers .

"Um...don't fight again. You can sit here, Lix. I was leaving anyway." Namjoon offered him his spot.

"Wait."  Yoongi grabbed his wrist , stopping him before he could go. "I wanted to tell y'all something."


What is it?

The boys asked, curious.

"So, to celebrate my arrival to the town." He started, being interrupted by jimin's muttering.

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