Chapter 14

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After few days

 "I gotta come back, my car is in the parking lot." He looked backwards, trying to determine how far from the restaurant they were.

"It's okay you can go for it tomorrow."


"Yeah, after the sleepover." Hoseok answered, sighing at jimin's  absurd questions.

"What sleepover?"

"Jimin , are you for real? We were talking about it 20 minutes ago." His friend was now talking in a mocking tone, assuming that jimin  was joking.

"I'm not doing any sleepover, drive back." He ordered yoongi  .

The  younger didn't move an inch though, as if he hadn't heard a thing.

"C'mon, we'll have a good time. Just the seven of us, a bit of alcohol and silly games!" Hoseok  tried to cheer him up, even though it was getting him quite the contrary.

At this point, jimin  feared alcohol, he didn't want to have a drop when he was close to yoongi  because he knew that he couldn't control himself.

"Just drive me back and then you can go and have your sleepover."

"But we want you to come,jiminie . You're always so lonely and angry, why don't you spend some good time with your friends?" Namjoon  asked, pouting and making jimin  flinch.

"I would spend time with you, but he's not my friend." He pointed with his chin in yoongi's  direction.

"That's rude, considering you're in his car." Namjoon  rolled his eyes, patting yoongi's  shoulder. "I'd kick you out if I were him."

"Yeah well, that's what I want. Just let me go."

"C'moooon Minnie . Come with us, you don't have to drink if you don't want to. And you can leave when you feel like it." Jimin  frowned, hearing hoseok's  pleas. "And you're already here, just stay for a bit."

Jimin  thought about it, but he knew it wouldn't end that easy. He knew his friends would try to convince him to stay once he decided he wanted to leave.

And most of all.

He couldn't spend one more single second around yoongi . It was driving him crazy.

The only thought of him being close made jimin's  guts turn and a tightness spread on his throat.

"Yeah, you should come, jiminie ." Taehyung  intervened, making jimin  snap his head up suddenly.

He forgot about taehyung.

But yeah, he had to talk to him. He had to explain what was happening before with Felix, he had to make it clear.

So he didn't have much of an option.

If he said no, his friends would whine and complain again to get him to stay.

"Okay, but I'll leave soon."

"Yes, yes..." Hoseok  bounced on his seat happily, just like the rest of his friends , and connected his phone to bluetooth to play some music on the way.

 Jimin's eyes got stuck in the front mirror, though, when a pair of feline brown seductive eyes connected with his, boring holes into his soul, with the most piercing gaze he had ever been submitted to.

And at that same moment, yoongi's  lips stretched into a big smirk.

Yeah, it was going to be a very long night.


Getting to yoongi's  house through the garage was even more impressive.

The walls were brick, giving it a more industrial look, but still elegant, big enough to fit four or five cars.

"This house is insane, yoongi hyung ." Namjoon  stared at the place with the same awe as the day before, following the older  to a door that connected to the rest of the house. "The place where you lived before was the same as this?"

"No." Yoongi trunked around and grinned, opening the door to the living room and showing that the house was already decorated. "It was bigger."

As yoongi  held the door, the boys entered the house, admiring the furniture and decorations.

Everything looked so expensive.

There were four large, black sofas, with a glass coffee table in the center. And the television was huge, it could be compared to one from the cinema.

There were pictures and little statues, hanging chandeliers and windows everywhere, showing the outside.

"Don't you want a roommate?" Hoseok  asked, flopping down on the sofa.

"I wouldn't complain if you wanted to keep me some company." Yoongi  smiled. And jimin  didn't know if he should take that as a platonic comment or if yoongi  was flirting with Hoseok .

But he didn't mind.

Namjoon  put music on the speakers in the house, making it blare all over the place.

"Is jungkook  coming?" Taehyung  asked, sitting next to Hoseok .

"Yep, they're all on their way." He informed, signaling for jimin  to also sit down. "C'mon minnie , let go for a while and have a good time."

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