Chapter 22

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"Jimin?" Yoongi asked in a small voice when his breathing stilled.

Jimin was laying his head on his chest, still recovering from their mind-blowing sex and trying to understand everything that just happened.

Yoongi put his hand on top of jimin's shoulder and looked down just when the elder rose his head.

When their eyes met, they already knew that something was happening. They knew that what happened was just the beginning to something else.

And neither of them wanted to accept it.

Still, they weren't looking at each other with the usual challenge and rage.

It was just... tiredness and so much confusion.

Although jimin's reasons were obvious, there was also the same look on yoongi , the same sharp cat eyes staring at the siren eyes .

Jimin's eyes reminded yoongi of the universe.

They were void, completely black and it was easy to get lost in them.

But at the same time, they held so much behind. So many emotions, little stars that not everyone was able to see, or just didn't care.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked out loud, worried about jimin's lost expression.


Jimin stood and pulled up his pants, biting his lips nervously and looking around in the room, as if trying to find something.

But then again, he turned around and went to the door, looking downwards.

"Are you gonna run away again?" Yoongi let out before Jimin could open the handle.

"I..." It was so hard to think at that moment, with his head high from the orgasm and that part of him that still did not want to connect.

"Jimin." Yoongi hopped off the desk, nearing jimin's back and standing behind him, knowing that if he reached out the younger would panic and go away. "It's okay."

Jimin's breathing deepened as the hold in the handle just hardened.

"I understand how you feel."

"How can you?" Jimin said through gritted teeth, with his jaw so tight he was afraid of cracking his teeth.

"I've been through the same."

"I'm not like you." Jimin was starting to get nervous in a dangerous way, as if his brain was forgetting by itself of the feelings and doings from a few minutes ago.

"Okay." Yoongi didn't want to scare him, just understand why Jimin rejected that part of himself so much, why he behaved like that. "I just want you to know that it's okay."

"It's not okay, yoongi hyung. How the hell is it okay?" He finally turned around, frowning and throwing angry words at the elder, still not wearing anything on top and looking extremely delicate.

It was at this moment, when yoongi was like that, unpowered, small, delicate, that the sickest thoughts invaded Jimin's head.

"You're allowed to try,Jiminie ."

Jimin watched yoongi , the purple marks covering his whole waist, around his nipples, on his chest, the scratches on his hips and thighs, fishnets ripped by his desire attack.

But what stood out was his neck.

That milky delicate neck covered in a huge mark imitating JIMIN's hand. you could see where the palm began and the shape of each of his fingers, there were even small crescent shaped wounds where his fingernails had been.

"No, I'm not." He muttered, tearing his gaze away from the canvas he had painted on Yoongi's skin and ignoring his confused expression. "You gotta forget about it."

"What?" Yoongi said, a bit angry. "You want me to forget that you fucked me?"

"Don't fucking say it." Jimin closed his eyes, frowning, as if the mere thought was hurting him.

"How am I supposed to forget about that?" He was starting to get nervous himself, getting closer to Jimin without realizing as he pointed his index on his chest.

"I don't care how." The younger turned to look at him again, it was clear in his face that it was being hard for him. "Just do it."

The frown in Yoongi's face just deepened. He was trying to be understanding with Jimin , but the boy was too stubborn, always running away from him instead of facing the situation.

"You're fucking ridiculous." He spat, looking in disgust at one side and crossing his arms. "Why did you bring me here and started all this if you were going to run away again?" This time, he was staring right at Jimin's siren black eyes.

"I shouldn't have done it."

Those words being said right after yoongi had let Jimin see him in his most intimate form , after having let the younger take complete control over him, felt like daggers sinking deep into his chest.

He wouldn't let Jimin see that it affected him, though.

So he gulped down his tears and replaced them with anger.

"Yeah well, you should've thought about it before." Yoongi sighed, not daring to look at the blonde.

"Yeah but I didn't. So please forget about it.

Yoongi blinked, thinking of it and feeling his skin raise in goosebumps at the memory.

He nodded eventually, trying to shake it off his head. He waited for Jimin to get out, but he didn't right away.

The elder was looking downwards, at Yoongi's thighs with his eyes open as saucers.


"What do you want?" He replied dryly, feeling the need to be alone and wishing Jimin would've disappeared behind that door since the beginning.

"You- My- Um... your thighs..." The younger pointed at Yoongi's lower body, blushing and gulping loudly.

When yoongi looked down, his eyes widened, watching Jimin's cum running down his thighs and realizing that he hadn't cleaned himself after getting up from the desk.

"Fuck..." He muttered, looking around the room for something to clean himself with. "This is your fault."

"My fault?" Jimin grumbled, bothered by the accusation. "You were the one who told me to do it."

Yoongi stared back at him in disgust, with his insides turning and fisting his hands, at the verge of hitting the elder.

Yeah, before knowing you would regret it , he thought.

"Did I?" Jimin looked at him knitting his brows, confused. "I don't remember." He fought back, watching Jimin's adam's apple bob and his face falling in a simple second.

If he wanted him to forget, he would.

"Whatever." Jimin sighed, getting his hand back on the doorknob. "Do you want me to get you something to-, well..." The thought of yoongi having to clean his cum off his body was equally hot and embarrassing.

"No. Just leave." Yoongi turned around and walked again to the desk.

"But how are you gonna-"

"Why do you care?" Yoongi spat, not bothering to turn around to look at the blonde's stunned face.

"I don't." Jimin said in a tight voice after a few seconds.

"Then leave." Yoongi walked and didn't relax or turn around until he heard the door shutting behind him, indicating that Jimin had left.

He was so stupid.

After everything, he still wasn't learning anything.

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