Chapter 25

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Jimin got kicked out from his home by his father .

Just because he wasn't ready to do a job and suffer like his father did .

It was raining, a lot.and he was crying.

The ground was flooded, a small river formed in the middle of the road.

And as if he was hypnotized by its fluency, jimin started following its path.

He ran through the streets, feeling the rain coat his face, not being able to distinguish between the water and his tears.

The coldness of the rain felt liberating against his skin, but also burning.

Each step, he closed his eyes and let it soak his body to the bones, thinking about his father and his mother.

Why didn't he remember anything?

Why was his mind so closed to the memories?

Why was it so hard to breathe?

His chest felt tighter, more tears fell down his porcelain face as he tried to take some of the cold air into his lungs, failing miserably and feeling his limbs and joints become numb, asking for him to slow down, to stop so they could recover.

But he couldn't. He just ran until the flow of water stopped, until he saw green and white.

Until he knocked on a door, the air didn't flow inside him, as if there was a hand wrapped against his throat, not allowing him to take it in.

Until a guy showed behind the door, his smile dropping at the view of jimin completely soaked in water and tears, Jimin was letting out a sob at the very moment he saw yoongi's soft face, feeling his body being engulfed in heat not even a second later.

He felt arms wrap tightly around his body, bringing him close and caressing his back.

And the first breath he took was loaded with a strawberry scent, making his throat feel less tight and allowing more air to get inside his lungs.

He clawed at yoongi's hoodie, trying to get the boy closer, to somehow blend himself with him.

It was the first time someone undressed him and it wasn't sexual.

It was innocent. With the only purpose of taking care of him.

When yoongi had jimin's clothes piled up on one side, he brushed his body with the towel, getting rid of the rain water.

The younger was only left in his boxers, and even though he was wearing less clothes than before, he felt warmer . Yoongi gave him one of his spare hoodie which fit Jimin perfectly.

Yoongi took off his own hoodie, since it got wet when he hugged jimin , and threw it to the same pile of clothes. And he was remained in his dolphin shorts , he put on another hoodie he has for himself.

"Do me to leave you alone?" Yoongi asked, knowing that the younger used to get away in those situations.

He was surprised when jimin grabbed him by the hips and sat him on one of his legs, leaning his chin on his bony shoulder.


Even though the situation wasn't good, yoongi couldn't help but let a little smile get over his lips.

"What happened, Jiminie?" He asked slowly, not wanting to pressure the boy.

"I...He-" A broken sound left jimin's lips as his hands started trembling, remembering his father's words. The image of his father throwing all his stuff to the ground, yelling at him to leave. His own father despised him.

"Hey hey." Yoongi wrapped one of his hands around jimin's smaller one, grazing his thumb over his knuckles softly. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you're not ready."

Jimin stared at the boy, the tears running through his face nonstop on their own.

He never cried in front of someone else.

But instead of judging or finding Jimin ridiculous, yoongi only used his other hand to swipe jimin's tears off his face, so slowly and gently, as if they were made of glass.

"You have to relax, kitten." Yoongi's voice was like a lullaby, his low sweet tone made him dizzy. " Breathe for me jiminie."

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