t w e n t y - s e v e n

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• Hyunjin's pov •

Since I had gotten back from our world tour I had been spending some time with my family, with our break from schedules now happening.

It was refreshing having spent the past four days with them, We had just been out for a walk in the city and my parents suggested going to a cafe for brunch, one they had been to several times.

My parents walked through the doors of this small cafe on the corner, the small bell rang as we entered and to my surprise I saw a familiar face greeting me.

Stood absolutely still behind the counter was none other than Lily, her face was a mix of shock and fear of some sorts. "Hello good morning." The worker next to her welcomed us as she composed herself.

I stopped myself from chuckling at her expression and followed my parents to the booth they chose.

I sat back and smiled to myself at the thought of knowing were she worked now, as I took in my surroundings this was the only other reasonable place she would work, other than choreographing it suits her.

My mother noticed how I was lost in thought while smiling, "what are you thinking about?" she smiled over at me causing my train of thought to end, "nothing too special, I'm just enjoying my time with my parents." a wide smile followed the ending of my sentence.

And as if on que Lily appeared at my side, "Hello, I have seen you in here for awhile"Lily said towards my parents, this took me by surprise that they knew her so well. "Yes we've been very busy the past few weeks, however, we finally had time to come and relax with our son." she said with a glance towards me, "oh how rude of me this is our son Hyunjin" she said, I felt quite silly acting like I didn't already know her but I went along with it, "it's nice to meet you" she said bowing slightly towards me, "the same to you."

"Alright, so what can I get for you all today?" She smiled lightly afterwards, "two orange juices, one coffee and three bowls of tteokguk please." my mother responded politely. "Coming right up." She smiled brightly before leaving, I watched her walk behind the counter and disappear into the back.

I turned around to see my mother smirking at me, "무얼?" (What?) my face showing a confused look, "she's a lovely girl" she paused, "she's so sweet always makes you feel welcomed and makes sure you get the best service." She was clearly hinting at something but I wasn't catching on.

"She seems like a very kind person." was all I could manage to put together to say, before my mother could continue our food was brought over and we began our lunch.

It was about 1:25pm and we were getting ready to leave and head home, however, I wanted to speak to Lily before I left. "I'm going to head to the bathroom I'll get you guys outside." so I head straight for the toilets as I saw my parents heading out the doors. After about 3 minutes I headed over to the counter where she was standing.

• Nari's pov •

Hyunjin's parents had just left the shop and he was nowhere to be seen, he must have had to head out early. I was a bit shocked to find out that was his parents, for so long I had been serving his parents.

The sight of them together just brought me right back to my memories of my parents this morning and how lucky he was, I quickly snapped out of that head space before it spiralled out of control.

Kai was currently on break so I was stood at the counter keeping an eye on the cafe, "Excuse me, I think we've met before."

Hey guys, so I totally didn't forget about this story, I kinda did but I always didn't have the motivation to write once I came back.

So I am finished my first year of uni, everything is submitted and I'm rowdy to write more or at least as much as I can!

I want to say thank you so much for the support on this story so far it means a lot and I'll try to get this story wrapped up and finished soon! Enjoy this chapter🥰

Word count: 650

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