t w e n t y - n i n e

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Hyunjin got into the drivers side and began driver towards our destination, I was still feeling quite shaken from my almost encounter with my parents but I was trying to not let it affect me, I was going to enjoy my time out with hyunjin they weren't going to ruin this.

It was about a 20 minute drive until we pulled into a car park, once we got out of the car we headed to a small fancy looking restaurant, we entered and Hyunjin spoke to the host and the man led us to our table.

Once we had sat down and order a drink the man left, "So this is how I have to make it up to you?" I asked he simply nodded, "I may or may not have missed your company" he almost confessed which left me a bit taken aback.

I tried to come up with some response but simply failed and I just blushed and instantly covered my face, I heard a chuckle come from in front of me. "No stop you can't say stuff like that" I said still covering my face.

"Sorry but im being serious I missed speaking to you," he paused and his face flashed with sadness but he quickly recovered from it "it feels like you've been ghosting me, you barely messaged me the past week."

And there it was the topic that brought me back to this morning and then brought me to this afternoon, I could feel myself beginning to panic and I felt an anxiety attack coming on, "I'm going to use the restroom really quick, sorry." I managed to excuse myself very quickly as I made my way briskly towards the bathrooms.

I got into on of the stalls and locked the door, by now I was having a full blown anxiety attack I took my phone out of my pocket with my shaky hands and tried to call my breathing down while I diales MiMi's number, I failed miserably to slow my breathing while my phone rang.

"Hello?..." came across the phone as she picked up, "I...I-I'm having a hard time... breathing help please." I said through my gasps of breathe as tears started to brim my eyes.

Straight away she knew what was happening and began to calm the situation, "Hey, hey it's ok, just focus on my voice and take deep slow breathe" she paused showing me how to breathe, "remember it's going to pass, everything is alright your fine, your ok. Keep telling yourself that." She continued to say as she helped pull me out of the anxiety attack.

Hyunjin's pov •

I was sat waiting for Lily to come back from the bathroom it had been about 5 minutes, had I gone to far saying I had missed her, did I upset her? I was overthinking it maybe she was just really tired after work and was just going really slow.

As time continued to pass and she hadn't returned I began to panick, did I offended her when I mentioned the ghosting, maybe she was just really busy. Just as I looked up I saw her heading towards me, she looked really pale and almost as if she had been crying.

Instantly without thinking I stood up and walked towards her, "are you ok?" Came out as soon as I reached her. "Ye I'm f-fine." Her shaky voice responded to my question, I knew she had been crying so I led her outside after apologising to the host that we would be staying.

When I looked down at her she almost seemed confused at what I was doing, I led her to my car and opened the doors and holding it open as she got in, I closed her door and then headed round to my side and got in.

We sat in silence for a few moments while I choose my next words very carefully.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped." then it went silent, "I didn't mean to upset you in anyway." I then turned to look at Lily who was now looking at me.

"It wasn't you" she breathed out a sigh, "I promise." This confused me, why was she crying then.

"Did something happen while you were in the bathroom." I asked very concerned at the whole situation.

She dropped her gaze to her hands in her lap, "I'm sorry." Was all she said, which really confused me more than ever. "You have nothing to say sorry about, I just want to make sure your alright, did something happen?" I questioned lightly.

"I had an anxiety attack, that's why I rushed off to the bathroom..." she said just above a whisper after what felt like forever of being in silence, I stayed quiet and let her continue.

"It started this morning I had thought about messaging you but I thought I would just be annoying you, I had a moment where I was back at 13 in that house with my parents" she stopped for a moment "they never cared about me, said I was a waste of space, that I was useless and annoying. And then awhile after you left the cafe they came in... I haven't seen them in 4 years and then once I saw them everything came flooding back" she looked up at me and I could see the tears building up in her eyes, my heart was breaking for her, how could her parents think that.

She sighed but continued, "when you said about me ghosting you it all came flooding back from this morning to this afternoon and I couldn't stop it from happening." She almost laughed slightly, "as you can see I'm a complete mess, I don't have caring parents, I haven't spoken to them since I was 16. I'm sorry to drop this all on you, you don't need to know all of this." She quickly averted her gave from mine.

I took a moment to absorb what I had just been told, I turned my body towards Lily and cupped her face with my hands so she was looking me in the eyes.

"You're not a mess, you just need someone to guide you out of the darkness you've gone so far into because of your childhood." I slowly moved closer to Lily and gently kissed her, it was only a few seconds but it felt so much longer.

Once we both pulled away I still had her face in my hands this time tears slowly fell down her cheeks and I carefully wiped them away.

"As long as I'm here you'll always have someone who cares about you, and is always there for you. So don't for one second think you're annoying me because I would rather you bombard me with messages than leave me without hearing from you for a week." I then pulled her into a tight embrace as we sat in silence.

The only thing that could be heard was the slight sniffles coming from Lily as she slightly sobbed into my chest.

After holding Lily for a moment we separated from the embrace and I saw I would take her back home. It was about 6:15pm by the time we got to her apartment, "message me tomorrow and we can reschedule our...date." I kissed her cheek and she nodded and quickly got out of the car and waved as she entered the building.

I sighed and began to drive back to the dorms where I was 100% sure I would be interrogated about where I was since I said I would only be out with my parents until 4pm.

Ok this is my longest chapter ever! Anyways want to let the story develops more and let hyunjin see into lily's life and past a bit.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and my next chapter will have a link to my tiktok so you can see a video since I can't upload it onto Wattpad it can only be YouTube videos😭😭

Word count: 1280

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