t h i r t y - o n e

56 3 2

As I pushed my door open I let out a scream, "Hi" he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, why the heck was hyunjin stood in my room.

I stood in complete shock as I held eye contact with him, I didn't know how to process the fact he was here in my room. "I know you're probably wondering why I'm here.." he paused slightly waiting to see my reaction.

All I could manage was a slight nod of my head, "...I just thought I would check up on you and make sure you were alright after everything." He sighed and walked closer to me, slowly closing the gap between us.

"I haven't stopped thinking about everything and I thought you might need someone to be here for you." I was frozen in the same spot as Hyunjin stopped right in front of me.

I was trying to process what he had just said, he couldn't mean that after everything and my whole mental breakdown in front of him that he still wanted to be around me. Whenever this happened before it always scared people off that's the reason I only had MiMi as a friend, she understood me and cared so much about me.

While I was lost in thought after what hyunjin had just said I was brought back to reality to the feel of a warm embrace, hyunjin held me in a tight hug and for the first time in a very long time I felt comfort from someone other than MiMi.

I could feel myself melting into his embrace, I felt safe in his hold and it made me have a sense of hope, that after so long of being unable to trust people and let them in I had finally found someone who was able to get past my rough exterior.

Without even noticing I had started to lightly sob, my emotions had been all over the place recently and today had just been the icing on the cake, it had broken the thin wall that was holding everything in.

A few moments passed and hyunjin pulled back from the embrace, he gently used his thumbs to wipe away the stray tears on my face. I smiled lightly as my mood began to lighten after my breakdown in his arms.

I somehow managed to get my thoughts all together and managed to get out "thank you" two simple words that had so much emotion and gratitude behind them.

I looked up at him and saw him smiling down at me, I could see the amount of care behind his eyes as he looked at me.

It felt like we had been stood looking at each other for hours, until I finally managed to spit out some words.

"Would you want to stay for a bit... if you're not busy" I said just above a whisper, at first not thinking he'd be able to hear me. But the smile that greeted on his face said otherwise.

"I'd love to."

Hey guys! I'm back after like over a month, so sorry I've not released new chapters I've literally not been able to write for so long as I've not had much inspiration.

However I had bits and pieces here and there when I felt like writing so this was written in like 3 different parts and days!

I go back to uni in about 3 weeks so I'll try my hardest to write more before it starts back, and as always I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Hope you are all well and I'll see you guys next chapter! bye :)

Word count: 505

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