t w e n t y - s i x

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• Nari's pov •

Another day of work starts as my alarm vibrates on my bedside table, it had been about a week since I had flown to Japan to see Hyunjin, and 5 days since he flew back to korea.

I hadn't seen him as they were resting after the tour so I decided to not annoy him so he could rest. I knew that I could be annoying at times, my parents made sure to tell me that all the time when I still lived with them.

*flashback to when Lily was 13*

I had just gotten back from school and was so excited to tell my parents about how I had gotten the best grade in my class.

However, when I entered my house it was dead silent I was so confused because mum should be here. I made my way up to my parent's bedroom to look and see if anyone was there but no luck.

I then heard a smashing noise come from downstairs, I jumped at the loud noise, this was then followed by my mum screaming at my father.

"You're always out drinking with your work colleagues!" She screamed so loudly, "you're a drunken mess, and then leave me here to take care of that useless brat!" She shouted at my father, referring to me.

I felt tears filling my eyes at the statement, even after so many awful comments being said about me during my parents first of rage towards each other it sting just as much to me each time.

The feeling that was once excitement to tell my parents the great news, had been replaced by upset and slight anger. I quietly ran into my bedroom and curled up on my bed while I broke down into tears.

The pain in my heart was excruciating, all I could think about was why I had parents that hated me so much, why couldn't my parents be like MiHi's. They loved her so much, but my parents were the complete opposite.

*end of flashback*

The memories of my parents always fight and the words they would say to each other, even about me at times clouded my mind. I began breathing heavily as I felt a panic attack coming on, I'm fine, you're fine. I repeated to myself and pulled myself out of the on coming attack.

After I calmed down and got ready I headed out to work at the cafe. It was a Sunday and the cafe was never really busy today so as I headed to work listening to music I enjoyed the light breeze that carried away my bad thoughts as I cleared my mind before work.

I entered the cafe and greeted the owners, I smiled at Kai who was cleaning down some tables when I entered the cafe.

I headed through the back and put my stuff in my locker and grabbed my apron, I grabbed some cleaning supplies and helped Kai clean down the rest of the tables.

Soon we were both stood behind the counter chatting away as there was only a few customers sat in the cafe.

"So away life updates for me?" Kai questioned as he leaned against the counter, I could only chuckle at his question, "well I mean I had a weird reminder of my parents this morning..." I almost mumbled out, I saw Kai's smile falter a bit.

He knew my situation not in full detail but he knew enough. I had told him about it after we became close at work, he was a shoulder I could lean on other than MiHi's and it was actually quite nice because he always gave me great advice.

"Oh, why was that?" He cautiously asked, I sighed how do I tell him it was because I was thinking about me not messaging Hyunjin because I didn't want to annoy him. I couldn't tell him that.

"I was just um... thinking about how I didn't want to message someone because I would be annoying them." I stated in a fairly unconvincing way. He raised an eyebrow at me and then smirked slightly when I avoided eye contact with him.

"Ooooh so you're worried that the person you like would think you're annoying." He said in the most smug way ever, I turned to him wide eyed and slapped his arm, "Yah! That's not it." I said as my voice raised at the end of my sentence.

I'm a terrible liar. He just started laughing at me, "hey stop laughing" I said and pouted at him, "sorry it's just so funny seeing you try and lie about not liking this person." He said in between laughs.

I just scoffed and shook my head, "who is he anyways?" He questioned, I just diverted my gaze and tried to avoid the question, he just smirked and before he could say his cheeky remark the cafe bell rang as the door opened.

We both turned our gaze towards the door and I froze when I saw the person entering, I swear I almost died.


Another chapter, that is surprising long-ish, anyways wrote this at 1:30am when I should be sleeping because I'm going home today(10/3/24) but it's fine🥴

Anyways first flashback to what Nari/Lily's parents were like when she stayed at home! It's not the best but I'll make them better if there are more!😊

This will be my last chapter for a few weeks as I have a lot of uni work to finish for my submissions in a couple weeks! So afterwards I'll be back to writing as much as possible! Thank you for all the support so far as well😊

As always hope you enjoyed this chapter and more to come soon!

Word count: 846

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