Long Distance Relationship (J.A)

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           After fixing my hair on camera, I started the video call and Jensen's smiling face appeared on my screen.   "Hey, baby."   he said.    "Hello darling."  I replaid waving at him.  "Are you available?"   "Yes, my scene  just finished. Perfect timing, as always."  he said with a wink.             

      "I know, I know I'm perfect."   Jensen laughed and then he asked, "How are you?"                   "I'm so bored."   I sighed.    "Why babe ?"    "Because there's no one to hang out with."  I grimaced.    "

       What happened to Elly?"    "She has other friends to hang out with,  a boyfriend, and things to do."  I  explained, rolling my eyes.  "However, my boyfriend and my favorite friends are in another city right now. All I do is sit, study and watch Supernatural."  

            Jensen smiled, "Hey, you said that last one like it was a bad thing."    

           "I'd rather hang out with you than watch."    I admitted.

     "Why don't you go out and walk around by yourself? Do some shopping or something. Or stop by a bookstore."   he suggested.   "You know, I think I'll do that. Because if I wait for Elly, I'll be stuck in this dorm for a whole year. I was whining too much again, wasn't I? I'm sorry, Jensen. What are you doing?"  

       "Stop nonsense. You know I'll listen to you whenever you want."  he  reassured me with a laugh.  As I smiled, he continued, "There's no change in me either. I'm busy with the shooting."   "How long until it's over?"     "It's a secret."  he grinned. 

       "Come on! I missed you so much. I thought if I couldn't come soon, maybe you could stop by. Then we could go back to Texas together. I mean, if you want."   I suggested.    "I missed you so much too, darling. Please, don't ruin my surprise by asking any more questions."  he pleaded playfully.  

        I chuckled, "Oh, I get it. Okay, I shut my mouth. Maybe I can learn something from Jared."      Jensen laughed, "Don't even think about it."

        Then I heard an all too familiar voice.  "Is someone  talking about me?"   Jensen rolled his eyes, "Oh, here comes the trouble."    "Hey, I thought it was Y/N!" Jared said, grinning and sticking his head into the camera's frame. 

       "Ha ha ha !"  I said, rolling my eyes but laughing at the same time. 

       "What's up, sunshine?"  Jared asked.   "Well, I've had better days. How are you?"                   "I'm dealing with Jensen, you can think about the rest."   Jared joked.  

       "Then you're very lucky."   I replaid, laughing. "I wish I could be in the same place with him all day."   

        "Did you get your answer?"  Jensen asked, winking at me.  

       "We were just talking about when the shooting would end. Although Jensen didn't say it, but..."    

         "If he didn't say it, I can't say it at all. I'm sorry, Y/N, but I have a wife waiting for me at home. Besides, I'm still young."   Jared joked. 

       "Well done, man."  Jensen said, clapping Jared on the back. I was laughing out loud.                "I missed you so much guys, really. Where's Misha by the way ?"    "His scene isn't over yet."  said Jensen.  "Okay. You can say hello to him too." 

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