Hunter Life 2 (D.W)

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       When I opened my eyes, Dean wasn't there. The room was almost pitch black. "Dean?"   I called out in panic. When the light in the room turned on, I covered my eyes with my hand. 

      "Oh, I'm sorry. Shall I turned off?"    It wasn't Dean talking ; it was Sam. 

     "No, I'll get used to it now. Where's Dean?" 

     "He just took a shower. He wanted me to let you know if you woke up." 

     "Thank you, Sammy. Were you able to rest?"

    "I was sleeping until Dean threw a pillow at my face about twenty minutes ago."

     I laughed and rolled my eyes, "When will this man grow up?" 

    "Believe me, I've been asking myself this question for years." replied Sam, laughing.

    "What are you laughing at?"  came Dean's voice. 

    "Nothing." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "We were just chatting." 

       Dean raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"      "We are sure." said Sam, grinning. 

       "Hmm." Dean said, looking at us both, not looking convinced at all. 

        When Sam and I made eye contact, I pressed my lips tightly together to keep from laughing.

        "When did you wake up?"   Dean asked right after sitting next to me and kissing my cheek. "Just a moment ago. I was scared when I didn't see you next to me."  

        "I'm much better now, don't worry. By the way, is anyone hungry?" 

       "I'm hungry." said Sam. 

        "Me too."  I said.

        "Pizza?"  Dean asked. 

        "Pizza."   Sam and I agreed at the same time. 

       "Yes, Sam. You heard us." said Dean, grinning, "Hands in pocket." 

      "Man, you made the offer, right?" 

      "I did it because I wanted to eat pizza. I didn't say I would pay."  he said, winking at his brother. 

        At the same time, he put his arm around my shoulder. I laughed and rolled my eyes, "I'll pay it. Sam, just order it." 

        "Do you have cash?" Dean asked.    "I know where your wallet is, baby."   I said with a laugh. "Oh, thank you! Doesn't anyone feel sorry for me today?" he said, pursing his lips. 

     "This is what they call manipulation, Dean Winchester. You know how worried we are for you." I said while taking his arm off my shoulder. 

    "Y/N is right." Sam said, rolling his eyes. 

      "You two are so touchy." said Dean, grinning, "Okay, darling, whatever you want."   "Good boy."  I said as I got out of bed to get his wallet.

   "I really can't believe you can make Dean listen to everything you say." said Sam in astonishment, "No one has ever done this but you."

     I laughed, "Well, what can I say, you're not the only one with a superpower." 

      "Hah!" Dean said, rolling his eyes. 

Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now