A Very Short Story (D.W)

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         "Sam, do you want something to drink? Coffee, beer?"  I asked my husband's brother, who had just come to visit. 

     "I think I could go for  a bottle of beer."  said Sam, smiling.  

     "Honey, can you bring me a beer too?"  asked my husband Dean. "Oh, but I put the beers in the freezer. Let me know if you can't reach them."  he added with an evil grin.

     I shot him a hard look, it would annoy me if he made fun of my height,  and he knew it all too well. Instead of answering, I turned around and walked into the kitchen.

      Shortly after, I returned to the hall with two bottles of beer in my hand. Dean and Sam were already deep in conversation. I handed one of the beers in my hand to Sam with a smile.   

     "Thank you Y/N."     Then I handed the other one to Dean, who was watching me with a grin. When he opened his mouth to speak, I cut him off,  "If you say one more word, you'll have to sleep on the couch tonight."   

     "But I didn't say anything!"  he said with a grin. 

     "I know you well enough to know what you're dying to say, Dean Winchester."    

     "You're so sexy when you're angry, baby."  he teased, trying to provoke a reaction. I rolled my eyes, trying not to smile, as he  pulled me onto his lap, "Don't you drink?"  

       "I didn't reach to get the third one."  I said, grinning and winking at Sam.  "Look at you!"  laughed Dean, "Would you like to share mine?"     "Maybe."   

       After taking a sip from the bottle, he handed it back to me and continued talking to Sam, "So come on Sammy, I think it's time you found a girl too. Right, darling?" 

        I chuckled, "Well, I wouldn't say no to a friend who would tease you two. But after all, this is Sam's life, these things can't be rushed, you know."   

       "Thank you, Y/N. Your husband is too thick to understand."  Sam said.   

      "HEY!?" said Dean sternly.  "Dean!"  I intervened.   "But honey..."  "Dean, I said !" 

       Sometimes they were both like little children.  

     "Okay, I kept quiet. But only because you asked."  grumbled Dean.   "Good for you."   I teased. He rolled his eyes and drank his beer.    

     " I really can't believe you can make him listen to everything you say."  said Sam in astonishment, "No one could do this but you."   "Well, that's why I chose this beauty to marry out of all the women."  said Dean, grinning. I laughed, "So that was the only reason?"   

       He just winked at me.

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