Love, Argument and Pizza (J.A)

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        I was sitting on the bed, trying to concentrate on the book I was reading. However, my mind was preoccupied with the recent argument I had with Jensen, making it difficult to focus. He had mentioned  hanging out with his friends on the weekend, but we ended up arguing when I insisted on spending time alone with him after his busy schedule on set. Realizing that we had both hurt each other enough, I decided it was best to take some time apart. I retreated to the bedroom and closed the door behind me, frustrated that Jensen couldn't understand my desire to be alone with him, especially since he had just returned home yesterday.

      About half an hour after our argument, I heard a knock on the door. Instead of responding, I pretended to be engrossed in my book. Eventually, Jensen entered the room and slowly sat on the bed, prompting me to turn the page without looking at him.  

      "Y/N..?"    "Hmm?"   "I was wondering if you were okay..."  he said slowly. I just nodded without speaking.  

     "Aren't you going to look at my face?  I thought you wanted to spend time with me..."   

       "That was before you chose your friends and the words you said!"  

       He slowly took my book from my hand and put it aside.   "I was reading it."    When he reached out to hold my hand, I pulled my hand away.  

        "Darling, please don't do this. Will you look at me?"  Turned my eyes to his eyes. When he reached out to hold my hand, I didn't pull it away this time, his gaze had already taken over me. He took my hands, which were tiny compared to his, in his palm and squeezed them gently.        

      "I... I'm so sorry. I know I can be a really difficult man sometimes. I didn't realize that all you wanted was to be alone with me, and I broke your heart. Can you forgive me?"   

      " I need to think a bit..."    I said, trying to maintain my seriousness.

     Jensen had been away for three weeks due to filming, and I had missed him terribly. Avoiding him now only made me feel worse. Despite our recent argument, I didn't want to prolong the distance between us. 

      While I was lost in thought, Jensen must have misunderstood my silence because he said, "If you want me to leave the room..."  "No, no, I don't want to. I'm sorry too, Jensen, I lost myself at one point."   He smiled, "If you forgive me, I will forgive you."   "Deal."   

     "I love you."  he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, drawing me closer.  "I love you too, even though you drive me crazy sometimes."  I replied laughing. 

    "Well, what can I say, the feeling is mutual."  he said with a laugh.  


    "All right, I'll keep quiet."  he said, raising his arms in surrender and continuing to laugh. I love seeing him laughing... 

    "Will you hug me?"  I asked. "For a moment I thought you'd never ask." 

      I chuckled. A few seconds later, I was listening to his heart beating in his arms. We stayed like that for a while, then he gently laid me down on the bed. He was now looking down at me.    

     "Hi."   he said, laughing.   "Hi." 

         I raised my hand and caressed his cheek, and he tucked a strand of hair from my eyes behind my ear. Then he started kissing my lips. Our lips slowly parted as I felt my breath hitch. He smiled and started watching me. I ruffled his brunette hair with my hand. 

      "Hey, you're blocking my view !"   Jensen said while trying to fix his messy hair with his hand. All I did was break them even more.  "You naughty girl."    I laughed, "But I like it better this way."

     "Good to know."  he said with a wink. "Oh, as if you didn't know..."  "It's better to hear it from you."   he said, shrugging his shoulders. I rolled my eyes.    

      "Hey, I see you !"  he said and started tickling me.   

        "JENSEN!!"  I screamed, "Please don't, don't."  I said between my laughter. But he chose to ignore it, just like I ignored him, and tickled me even more.   

        "I can't breathe."    Finally, he freed me and lay down next to me, laughing.         

        "If I had fainted, would you have laughed like that?"   "No, of course not, baby. Then I would have run away without even looking back."    "You're such a jerk, Mr. Ackles."    "Thank you, Mrs. Ackles." 

      "Would you really run away?"   I said with a very serious expression, raising my eyebrows. Actually I just wanted to make fun of him. His mouth opened in shock, "No way! Did you seriously believe that?"  

        When I saw the look on his face, I started laughing, "No, of course I didn't, you idiot. But you believed."   "Really great acting."   he said while taking my nose between his two fingers and squeezing it.   

      "I learn from the best."     He smiled, "You are so sweet, dear." 

    "  Jensen?"     "Darling?"    "If you really want, you can go with your friends..."  

       "I don't want to. While you were here, I thought you were right. The days didn't go to waste. What a stupid man I am. I'm going to spend my first weekend at home with my wife."    

        I grimaced, "When you said that, I felt like I was one of those women who forces her husband to do what she wants."   

     "Don't be ridiculous, baby. Let's not talk about this nonsense topic anymore, okay?"   "Okay."   

       I got closer to him, buried my head in his neck and kissed his neck lightly. I breathed in the smell of his cologne. I loved this man. While I was lying like this, he put his hand on my hip and started caressing it.

       I don't know how long I lay like that, but Jensen spoke, "You're going to suffocate there."         I sat up from where I was lying and spoke, "But you smell so good..."  

        He put his index finger to his lips and hit it a few times, "Kiss here a little."   "That's fine with me."    I said and kissed him. 

     "Is that all?"  he said whining.   "Isn't that enough?"   I said with a laugh.   "Of course not."    

       I shook my head and leaned down to kiss his lips once more. When I made a move to sit up, he hugged my waist with both hands and held me back. He pulled me back to his face level, whispered    "Don't go..."   and started kissing me once again...


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