Love, Argument and Pizza 3 (J.A)

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            When I finished my meal, a terrible heaviness fell upon me. I was already yawning as I put the items on the table into the dishwasher. Putting the empty bottles and pizza box into the garbage bag, Jensen spoke, "I guess you're bored of me already?"    

         I turned off the dishwasher and stood in front of him, "It is impossible for me to get bored of you. Eating just made me sleepy."   I said as I ran my fingers down his bare arm.  

      "Are you going to sleep ?"  he asked while running his fingers through my hair. I shook my head, "It's too early." 

      "Do you want to watch a movie ?"    "Sure."  

         When we entered the living room, I settled on the large sofa. Jensen, who came behind me, raised an eyebrow, tilted his head and looked at me. He looked like a photographer thinking about the right pose.  

       "What?"   I said laughing.   

        "You can't sit there!"     


        "Because... Because I have a better place for you."  he said, sitting next to me.   

       "Where ?"  I said in astonishment. Before I even realized what was happening, he pulled me towards him and sat me on his lap. I laughed, "Thank you, darling, for saving me the best place in the house." 

         After kissing my hair, he replied, "You're welcome."  

        "Are you sure you'll be comfortable like this?"    He laughed, "You ask the same question every time. I will give you the same answer again. I am more than comfortable." 

        One of my favorite parts of being a tiny girl... I settled in very well. While I was leaning my head on Jensen's chest, he hugged me from behind. After a short search, we decided on "Holiday".   By the middle of the movie, my eyes started to close. Even though I fought hard to keep my eyes open, I eventually lost this battle and fell asleep in Jensen's arms.

      I opened my eyes at the sound of Jensen's voice, "Come on, let's get you to bed."   With my eyes still closed, I nodded and  staggering to my feet. After a few seconds of me continuing to fall asleep standing up, I felt like my feet were off the ground. Jensen had taken me in his arms.   

      "Is the film over ?"  I muttered as I leaned my head on Jensen's shoulder. 

     "Nearly.We'll finish it later." 

       "Okay. Then I go back to sleep."     I heard him laugh, "Go ahead, honey. Sleep well."  

         I don't even remember the parts where he put me to bed...

Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now