To Honeymoon (D.W)

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       "Baby, come on, wake up. We need to get going."  Dean urged gently.  

        "Five more minutes."  I mumbled without opening my eyes. I heard Dean laugh, "I don't want to miss our hotel check-in time. Especially on our honeymoon..."    "Mhm..."    "What did you say?"    

        But I wasn't in the mood to answer him right now. What would happen if we slept a little more? I think this would be a very logical decision since we were busy with things other than sleeping last night.

        Four years into our relationship, Dean and his brother Sam had finally decided to stop hunting. This way, we could start a family for ourselves and Sam could continue his life where he left off. All this was 1 year ago. Last year Dean and I got engaged, and last night, we got married in a simple ceremony with our family and friends. Today, we were going to Florida to spend our honeymoon.

    "You need to wake up now. I gave you enough time."  Dean insisted.  

      I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Dean was leaning over my bedside, watching me. I turned on my side, "Okay, okay. What if I had slept in my husband's arms until noon on the first morning of our marriage?"   

     Dean laughed and kissed my lips, "I promise you, we will do that tomorrow morning."                  I smiled, "Then it's a deal."   I sat up from where I was lying, "What time is it?"   "Half past seven."  "You gave me an extra half hour to sleep? Oh my God, Dean Winchester, you're a perfect man."       He winked at me, "I know, baby."    "I'll get ready right away then."   "I'll put the suitcases in the car."   "Okey."  

       I wore short jean shorts and a black tank top. I put my sunglasses in my hair. After quickly making up our bed, I was ready to hit the road. As I checked myself in the mirror one last time, Dean came over and hugged me around the waist and kissed my neck, "You look perfect."              

     I chuckled, "Don't overrated, Dean."  He put his chin on my shoulder and looked at me through the mirror, "I say what I see."    

      "You're not bad either."   I said smiling. " Thanks, duh!"  he said, laughing. I turned around, hugged his neck and kissed his lips,  "I'm just kidding. You are the most handsome man I have ever seen in this world."   

      "Oh, now it's happened. You make it very difficult for us to leave the house by saying things like that, darling."   he said as he returned my kiss. I laughed, "You better not get bored of me quickly, Dean."    

      "This is not possible."  he said, kissing my cheek and adding, "Oh, I adore you."   I laughed, rolled my eyes and held his hand, "Let's go."     

     "As you command, Mrs. Winchester."    "Sounds good. Being a Winchester..."     "Right?"  he said, laughing.


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