Love Can Hurt Sometimes 3 (J.A)

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             After taking a shower and getting dressed, I left the room. Jensen was watching TV. I went and sat next to him.  

            "Pizza will be here in half an hour."    "Ok."  

           I took the small pillow next to me and put it onto his knees. When I lay down, he started playing with my hair. I sat up when the doorbell rang and Jensen opened the door to pay.

         When I heard the door closing, I stood up too. I went to the kitchen to get a plate when Jensen called out, "Don't worry about the plate, let's eat here. We can also watch a movie."   

      "Okay, what will you drink?"  I called out.   "I ordered Coke. Can you bring a glass?"    

      "I'm bringing it."   I took the glasses and went to the living room. 

         "It smells so good. I didn't realize I was hungry until I smelled the pizza."   He just smiled as he reached for the glasses in my hand. It was as if every word I said reminded me of the fight, and I knew it would take some time for us to get over the tension between us. Of course, things might have been different if I hadn't snapped at him in the room. I realized that since the fight I had only called him by his name, unlike him... 

           "Are you okay?"   I came to my senses with Jensen's voice, I was still standing.  

          "Yes, yes, I'm fine. I was just distracted."  

          "I understand."  he said calmly, filling my glass and placing it on the table.   

         "I'm fine darling, I'm telling the truth."  I said as I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed his head.

           He left the other glass in his hand on the table. Then, he hugged me around my waist and rested his head on my stomach. "I don't want to pretend to be good anymore." 

          "You don't have to pretend, you know I'll always be listening to you. I'm always here for you. No matter what..."      "I know."  he said, lifting his head and smiling.

         Even when he was laughing, I could tell from his eyes how much it hurt. "Anyway, let's leave these behind now, let's eat our food so it doesn't get cold."  

         I sat next to him, "Whatever you want, I'll be here when you're ready."   "The benefits of marrying a psychologist." he said as he laughed and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

       "Hey, even though I'm not a psychologist, you know I'll listen to you."   I said, sounding offended.    "Of course, but it's better this way."    "Let there be love."    "Pizza?"  he said as he handed me a slice.

       I laughed, "Well, let me have it."   

      We ate our pizza, talking and laughing for a while, but neither of us came close to the events that made us angry. We just needed each other right now.

        "Let's watch a movie."  Jensen said, taking the remote control.

       "Okay, I'll choose."   I said mischievously.    

       "Oh, no! I recognize that look." 


        I was a huge Harry Potter fan and usually preferred to watch it while eating in front of the TV. Jensen, on the other hand, was not as fanatical as I was, but he would watch it over and over again for me and never make a sound.     

      "But I'm going to start thinking you're in love with Harry and not me."  he said, rolling his eyes.   

    "Honey, come on, Harry's not my type. You know I love Draco."  

    "Excuse me?" 

       It's the same sweet argument every time, I loved annoying him.  

       "Pizza?"   I said as I forced the last remaining slice into his mouth.  

        "Prisoner of Azkaban?" he said while swallowing his mouth with difficulty.   "Prisoner of Azkaban." 

       I said laughing, handing him the cola glass, "Drink it or you'll drown."     

      "Okay, but I still haven't gotten my answer?"  

       "Don't worry, if I had to choose a bad boy, I would choose Dean Winchester."  

       "Uuu, I can accept that."   he said, raising his glass into the air. Of course, he didn't forget to spill some of it on the carpet.  

           "JENSEN!?"        "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."   

          I threw the wet wipe on the table at him, "Can you clean it please?"  

        "Whatever you say baby."   he said, catching the package in the air, "Look, I could make a great Kepper, too."  he said, winking and referring to the movie. 

      " Oh my god, I can't believe you're jealous of a movie character."     "If it's you... It's okay, don't worry, the stain is gone."   

        I shook my head, "Can you turn on that movie now?"     "Kiss first?"   

          I shrugged, "You lost your right when you spilled coke on the carpet. Otherwise, I was this far away from kissing you." I said, holding my thumb and forefinger quite close together. 

         He folded his arms like a little child, "This isn't fair."   And started the movie.

           I looked at him sideways, he was still sitting the same way. I was caught right then. I quickly turned my gaze to the television. After 5 minutes, I couldn't resist, approached him and kissed his cheek.   

        "I didn't want this."  he said whining, "You should watch the movie."   

        "You said you wanted a kiss." 

           He raised one eyebrow and looked at me. He was so sweet when he did that. I couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Sometimes you turn into a little boy."  

         He shrugged and turned to the television. I stuck my head in front of his. He started watching the ceiling with his eyes.  "I can't see the movie, Y/N." 

        "Of course you can't see it if you look at the ceiling."      " You're standing in front of me." 

         "Really ?" I said, getting on his lap. "I never noticed.What about now ?"   I continued. 

           "I think I see if you're in the movie, too."  he said, finally unable to bear it and looking at me. 

            We were both trying very hard not to laugh. He stood up slightly and put his hands on my waist. I put my hands on his cheeks and started watching him. As I looked at him, he slowly pulled me towards him.      

       "You're punishing me, aren't you?"   Jensen asked.      "Maybe."  

         And finally I started kissing his lips. When our lips parted, he smiled, "I liked this version of the movie better."    "Me too."   

         He put the hair that was in my face behind my ear.   "I love you so much, Mrs. Ackles."              "I love you too, Mr. Ackles."       His eyes were so beautiful...    

     "Are you comfortable here?"   "Very much. Should I watch the movie here?"   "It suits me."  he said, kissing my lips once again.

      I leaned my head on his chest and settled in his lap. Unlike him, this was very easy because I was very tiny. 

     When the movie ended, I sat up. "You don't need to get up, you can stay like this." "My place was beautiful, but I need to go to the bathroom urgently."       "Okay, I'll clean up the mess."

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