Rainy Day (D.W)

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       I was startled awake by a loud thud. My heart was pounding as I felt Dean's hand on my arm, "It's raining hard outside."   

       Because of the way I woke up, my brain literally stopped, "What?"   I asked, noticing the panic in my voice later. He pulled me to himself and hugged me tightly, "It's raining. What you were afraid of was a very strong thunder, babygirl. I'm with you, there's nothing to be afraid of." 

    " I was so scared."     "I know, babe. Come on, lie down for a while."         

        I nodded slowly and laid my head on Dean's chest, my heart still pounding, "What time is it?" "Nine in the morning."    "Are you serious? It's very dark in the room."   While stroking my hair, he said, "Yes. That's a pretty bad storm for April."   

       Then another lightning struck. I didn't like thunder since I was little. I snuggled closer to Dean. "I looked at the weather forecast. It looks like this rain will continue today."    I grimaced, "Come on! I hate this... We were stuck at home today."  

        He started running his finger over my shoulder, "Hey, you're saying that like it's a bad thing. I'm actually thinking of something we could do."     "Hmm, what is it?"     

        His finger, which was wandering on my shoulder, slowly moved towards my chest, "You know. You, me..."     I lifted my head from his chest, sat up slightly to meet his eyes, and ruffled his hair with my hands, "It's a good idea."     He blinked with a smile, "I know."     While Dean was still lying down, I climbed onto his lap and started kissing his neck. When I sat up again he spoke, "Come on, let me get you out of those stupid clothes."   I burst out laughing, "Hey, you bought this pajama set."    "I really don't care." 

       I laughed and abandoned myself to him. As soon as I took off my shirt, his hands slowly began to wander over my body. After leaning down and kissing his chin, our lips met with desire. After a moment, Dean grabbed me and gently laid me down on the bed. He quickly took off his shirt and threw it behind him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pressed him towards me. I felt the warmth surrounding my entire body. My ears couldn't even hear the thunder coming from outside anymore, all I could think about was Dean. I was almost lost in ecstasy every time his body moved against mine, every time he touched me. When we were both out of breath, he kissed my lips for a long time and then my forehead.

     He lay down next to me and started watching me, leaning on his arm.  "I adore you, baby."  he whispered as he ran his finger across my bare stomach. I shuddered at his touch. When Dean notice this, he smiled, "Is my little darling ticklish?"     "A little."    

        "What about this?"  he said as he leaned down and kissed the place he had just touched with his warm lips.      "Dean!"  I said, giggling.    "Oh, you're ticklish."  And suddenly he started tickling me.    "Stop it."  I said, barely suppressing my fitful laughter, "Or I'm going to faint."    I added while continuing to laugh. 

          He laughed and laid down next to me again. As my breathing slowly began to stabilize, I turned onto my side, "For a moment, I really thought I was going to pass out."   He took my hand in his, "What should I do, I love seeing you laughing like that, baby."    I smiled and rolled my eyes, "As if he wasn't ticklish as hell."   I said, humming. "What did you just say, I couldn't hear?"

      Instead of answering, I gently reached under his arm with my free hand. "HEY!?"  he said with a laugh and grabbed my hand before I could pull it back.  "You asked for it, Winchester."  I said laughing, while trying to free my hands from their grasp.  "Don't try in vain, my darling. You are doomed to me until I give permission."  

         I nudged his body with my foot, "Let me go."     "I don't think so."    And while I was struggling like crazy, he squeezed my legs between his legs.   "MY GOD!"  I screamed, "I just touched under your arm, man."  I added, laughing.

           When I realized my struggling didn't make any sense, I stopped moving and started looking at Dean with puppy eyes. He was grinning evilly, but my gaze soon changed his mind.  "But it won't happen if you look at me like that, darling." 

         When he released me, I made a move to slide to my side of the bed, and he caught me again, "Don't even think about it, you can't escape from me that quickly. You are punished."   "Punishment?"  I said, opening my mouth in surprise.    "Uh huh, punishment darling."           "What punishment was this?"    He licked his lips, "You'll see..."  and then started kissing me.

      I jumped out of bed and opened the closet to put on some clothes. After looking around for a while, I grabbed one of Dean's t-shirts that looked like a dress. When I got dressed, I walked over to Dean, who was lying face down on the bed, and kissed between his shoulders. When he turned to me and saw the shirt I was wearing, he smiled and said, "It suits you better, baby."  

Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now