Hold My Hand 2 (D.W)

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         As we left the cafe, I breathed in the fresh air and hugged Dean tightly, burrying my head in his leather jacket. He left little kisses on my hair and whispered, "I'm with you. You'll never feel alone like you did back then."  

      Slowly raising my head, I  looked into his green eyes, clearly visible in the dim light of the cafe, and said, "I love you."    "I love you too baby."    I buried my head back into his chest and murmured, "I could stay here like this for hours."  "How about we cuddle in our bed at home instead?"   Dean replied  flirtatiously, kissing my hair once again. 

    "That idea sounds better."  I said, standing on my tiptoes to kissed his cheek. "But I'm hungry."    I added playfully. 

     " I guess we'll have to feed my beautiful girlfriend first. Shall we go for a burger?"  Dean suggested with a smile.  "You know I can never refuse a hamburger."  I replied. He smiled, "I know. That's why I fell in love with you."  

       Eating was one of Dean and my favorite things to do, so we found a nice burger joint and went inside. Sitting at a table by the window, we were the only customers. I breathed in the aroma of the cooking, "Oh my God, it smells amazing."  

      "I'm starving."  Dean laughed. When the waiter approached, we ordered two cheeseburgers with extra bacon, one large fries and two beers. While we waited for our orders, Dean reached out and held my hand, asking, "Is there anything you want to tell me, baby?"    

       Gently shaking his hand, "Dean, do you think I'm good enough?"  "What do you mean ?"  he asked.  

       "You know... In my work, in my life, in my relationship with you."  

      "I think you're amazing. In every way."  

       Smiling slightly, I said, "You're saying that because you're my boyfriend."  

      "That's where you're so wrong, ma'am."  he said, kissing my hand, "Why do you think like that?"   

       "What Bella said... I don't know, it confused me. But actually, I realized something. I now have most of the things I dreamed of when I was alone with them. I have a job that I really love to do and a wonderful boyfriend who I know is always with me."   I explained. 

      Dean laughed, "I guess that's me."  "Hmm, I'll have to think about it."  I said teasingly.      "Ouch !" 

      "Maybe I made a mistake running away. Once again, I made them see me as weak."             

       "No. Staying somewhere you don't want to, especially if you have the chance to leave, doesn't mean you're weak. And come on, isn't our date at midnight more fun?"  said Dean.  

         I laughed, "It can never compare to that."   At that time our orders arrived.

         As we ate, I pushed my remaining fries towards Dean, "I guess I can't eat any more."   "I can eat."  Dean said, popping a piece of potato into his mouth. 

       "Tell the truth, you've been waiting for this moment since you finished your own meal."             I said laughing.    "Honey, you always leave something behind for me to eat. It's okay if you don't tell me you love me." he joked.   "Okay, I won't say that from now on."  I replied with a laugh.  "Hey, it was a joke. I love hearing you say you love me."  he said smiling. 

      "Can you tell this to the waitress? She's been looking at you since we arrived. I'm already angry enough. I'll gladly put her in her place."   I teased.  Dean laughed and then whistled, "I love it when you're jealous of me."   

      "But it's the same thing every time. No matter where we go. It's so annoying that you're so handsome."  I said playfully.  "Then we need something to make them understand. How about a ring?"  Dean suggested.

       I almost choked on my beer at the sudden proposal idea.    "Y/N !?"   Dean exclaimed, concerned.  "I-I'm fine." I managed to say, catching my breath, "What did you just say?"

       Dean raised his left hand and pointed to his ring finger, "I thought if I wore a ring, women would know I was possessive."   Before I could react, he knelt in front of me, holding out a small box from his jacket pocket. Shocked, I covered my mouth as I looked at the engagement ring inside.  

     "Actually, I didn't plan this moment like this. In other words, I was waiting for a suitable moment. But an hour ago, I decided that while you were in my arms I didn't want to waste any more time . I feel the big gap inside me closing every time I am with you. It's like I was complete when I found you. I don't want to spend even a minute without you. Y/N, will you marry me?" 

       In the past, I used to make fun of girls who cried when they received marriage proposals, but now I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my eyes. Maybe it's because of all the things I've been through all night... Or because I'm madly in love with Dean... I nodded my head quickly up and down,  "Yes! I'll marry you."

       When Dean put the ring on my finger, I stood up and hugged him tightly.As we gazed into each other's eyes, he wiped the tears from my eyes with his hands, then kissed my lips. "I really never imagined this moment like this."   he admitted.

     "I don't even care. I thought it was beautiful."   I replied. 

      "If you are happy, the rest doesn't matter." 

     As we took our seats again, he leaned forward and whispered, "I think she's get the message now."     Bursting out laughing, I replied, "Better be, darling."  

     After finishing the last of his fries, Dean asked for the check. I had a hard time not laughing when the waitress put the bill box right in the middle of us, almost hitting it. Dean glared at the girl, then paid the bill.

      As we stepped outside, we both started laughing out loud.  "For a moment I thought she was going to throw it at my head."  Dean said as he wiping the tears from his eyes. 

      "I'd like to see her try."  I said, frowning slightly.  "Look, she would protect his boyfriend too !!!"   Dean said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. 

    "Your fiancée!"   I corrected him with a smile.   "Oh, that's right!"  He kissed the top of my head, "Let's go home."

       " Y/N?"   I opened my eyes at the sound of Dean's voice calling my name. I fell asleep in the car due to the weight of the meal.  "Are we home?"    "Yes."     "Okay, I'm awake."  I could hear Dean laughing as I rubbed my eyes.

       As I got out of the car, I waited for Dean to lock the doors, but my eyes were still closing. When Dean came to me, he laughed at me and said, "Just hold on for five more minutes."      

       I nodded  without speaking and  leaned my head on Dean's shoulder as he hugged me. Whether it was me walking or Dean carrying me, I had no idea.  When we got inside, Dean turned on the lights and  I groaned, suddenly wide awake.   

      "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But it's too dark in there."   he apologized.  

      "I didn't know you were afraid of the dark, Winchester."   I teased. 

       "Hah! I was just thinking about you. I didn't want you to fall asleep and fell over ."   he joked.

       "I think I'm convinced. Anyway, I'm going to the bathroom. See you in the bedroom."                    He winked, "I'll be waiting for you."

      While I was brushing my teeth, the bathroom door opened and Dean poked his head in, "Change of plans... I need to brush my teeth too."   "I thought something had happened."    "Don't worry baby, everything's okay."   When he came to me, I handed him the toothpaste I still had in my hand.   "Thanks." 

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