To Honeymoon 2 (D.W)

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           I took my place in the '67 black Impala aka. Dean's Baby.  (Of course, I'm not jealous a car😅)  The weather was extremely nice. I smiled to myself as I thought about how right it was to choose June to get married. The best time of summer... When Dean got into the driver's seat, he noticed me smiling, "Are you ready?"     

       "YESS!!!"  I said, throwing my arms in the air and shouting. Dean laughed, "That's my girl. Are you hungry?"    I shook my head, "Not yet."  

     "You know what we should do then? Let's go for a while and then stop at a gas station and get some food and coffee. Besides, I need to get gas."  

     "You're the captain."  I said with a smile, "They all suit me."     

     "Alright. I give you the honor of choosing the music, Mrs. Winchester."   

     "What did you just say? Am I hearing correctly? Did you ask me to choose music?"  I replied, my mouth open in astonishment. Dean Winchester would never let someone else choose the music for his own car. Even though Sam and I had been begging him for years. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole...

      Dean started the car and replied, "Just this once. Think of it as a wedding gift. You better not get too used to it."   "Uh, okay. I thought something fell on your head while I was sleeping."  I said laughing. 

       He laughed and rolled his eyes, "I could give up at any moment. So you'd better act quickly."   "Okay okay."  After browsing the radio for a while, I came across 22 by Taylor Swift, one of my favorite singers. Well, I had just turned 22 in April, so it was a wonderful coincidence. I started singing along by turning up the volume of the song as high as I could and shouting. Dean rolled his eyes at first (because he didn't like pop music, he was a classic rock fan) but he couldn't resist me and started tapping the rhythm on the wheel.

       "Admit it, I have great taste in music too."  I said while fixing my messy hair.  

       "If it weren't for that, we wouldn't be married right now, darling."   Dean said without taking his eyes off the road.   

        "I think so too."  I said laughing.   

        "Okay, now it's my turn."    "I'm not going to argue with you because I'm on vacation."          "So that's the only reason?"      

       "And I got married."   I added laughing.  "Too bad that wasn't the first reason that came to mind."   "Maybe I'm still getting used to it."   "You're right, marrying me must be like a dream."   "Jesus, Dean."   I said laughing.    "So it's a lie?"  "Nope."    I said as I placed my hand on his leg.    "I know I'm a great guy. Tell me something I don't know."      

        I thought a little. "Once, I trapped a girl who was fawning over you in the toilet at a bar we went to."  I said suddenly with great seriousness.

       Dean laughed, "WHAT!?"                     

        I shrugged, "You didn't know that."   He shook his head, "I didn't know. When did this happen?"     "Hmm, I guess it was the first few months we started dating." "I don't even remember anything like that."    "I knew even then that one day you would be my husband."           I said smiling.    "Is she still alive at least?"   said Dean, laughing. "The last time I checked."  

       "I love you Y/N."  he said after taking my hand that was still on his leg and kissing it. "I know. Tell me something I don't know." 

        "Oh, I think we've found a new fun for ourselves. Okay, let's see..."   As I watched him with curious eyes, he briefly took his eyes off the road and looked at me, "When we first met you, I was terrified that you would choose Sam over me."   

        "Oh my god! I never thought of that. Besides, Sam isn't my type. Don't tell him that."  I said laughing.    "I am pleased to hear that."       I raised my left hand and showed my ring, "You do realize that I am married with you, right?"  

         He laughed, "Yes."   " By the way,  I've always been into bad boys."  I said, giggling.  

        "Oh, really! Who are they?"    "Am I asking you about the girls before me? Besides, which one are you going to name, right?"  

       "I forgot all those before you the day I saw you."  he said with a grin.  "If I had known that you would turn into such a romantic man when you got married, I would have done this much earlier."  I said laughing.   

        "So, wasn't I before we got married? How do you think I picked you up?"    "With your eyes, darling. With your eyes..."     He grinned, "That's right."              

         I laughed, rolled my eyes and leaned my head on the couch. I put on my sunglasses and started listening to the song playing.


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