Love Can Hurt Sometimes 2 (J.A)

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           "Look, we are working on shooting a new scene on the set. You know, my role in this movie is very important and also difficult and complex. I am having a hard time coping. As if the set is not enough..."    he stopped and approached me and held my hands again.  

           "As if the set wasn't enough, when I get home, I have to work on the script for the next day. When I want to spend time with you, I'm either too tired or you're busy with your own work. I feel like I'm stuck in an aquarium. It's like I'm drowning... Today, just as I was about to leave the set, the director came and he said that they wanted to remove the scene that I had been working on day and night for 2 days, from the movie. I was so angry, Y/N... So what did I do? I came to my wife, who only did all she did was wait for me at home, and I shattered her heart. Because I am an idiot."

          We both just looked at each other without speaking. I felt my eyes fill with tears again. While I was thinking about what to say, Jensen spoke again, "I understand if you want to leave, you're absolutely right. But the last thing I need right now is to lose you... I'm really, really sorry. And I know this apology can't take back what I said, but I love you so much."  

        I could feel his hands holding mine shaking. Apparently we had both had a terrible day and instead of talking, we spilled our venom on each other.  

        "I had an argument with my aunt today. It was for a ridiculous reason, and when I hung up the phone, all I thought was you. I wanted to see you and hug you as soon as possible. But when you came home, I encountered an unexpected sight. The last thing I expected was to hear the words I heard on the phone from the person I love the most."   

        I started crying again, he wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumbs, "I'm so... I'm so sorry, baby."    

          "Do you know what I thought, Jensen? If even my husband, whom I value more than anyone else, is saying these things, maybe my family is right too. I really am a useless woman, despite everything I've done." 

           Upon my last words, he pulled me to himself and hugged me tightly. I could tell from the shaking of his body that he was crying too.

          "I can't believe I made you feel like this. At a time when you needed me. It's all my fault. I should have talked to you from the beginning."   he said, his voice shaking. 

          "Don't you love me as much as you used to?" I said, almost whispering.     

            "What?!"  he said, leaving me and looking at me with incredulous eyes, "Y/N, I didn't think about such a thing even for a second. I have never doubted us since the day we met. But as I told you, I am a stupid man." 

            I punched him in the arm, "Yeah, you're a stupid man, Jensen Ackles."  

           His arm must have hurt, he grimaced. "I deserve this."   

         "You did."   I said while hugging him tightly.        

          "I love you so much, my beautiful. I will never do such a stupid thing again. I promise you. Forgive me."    

          "I love you too, stupid man.More than you think. I was so scared that you didn't want me anymore. You are my everything."  

           "Never. You too are mine... Please, don't cry anymore."  

            I lifted my head from his chest and sniffled, smiling slightly, "I guess we really are a married couple now. We had our first big fight."    

          "It was very bad. When you walked out that door I thought you would never come back. I wanted to follow you, but..."   He placed a small kiss on my lips, "I'm glad you're with me."    

           I put my head on his shoulder, and he hugged me. We stayed like that. I fell asleep in a short time.

         When I opened my eyes, I realized I was no longer on the couch. I was lying in our bed. Jensen must have carried me to the room after I fell asleep. When I turned sideways, I saw him sitting on my bedside, watching me with a smile.  "Hi."     

        "Hi. How long have I been sleeping?"   "I don't know. It must have been a few hours."    

       "You ?"    "I was watching you."  he said while stroking my hair.

        Trying to hide my smile, I said, "I wish you would get some sleep too."  

        "Believe me, it was much better this way."   He slowly laid down next to me, "I don't deserve you at all. You're too tolerant of me."  

         I placed my hand on his cheek, "Because I love you."  

          "If I were you, I wouldn't talk to me for a long time."  

           "If you say so."  I said as I removed my hand from his cheek and turned my back to him. Of course I was kidding. It was enough for me that he explained his feelings and apologized.   

            "Hey? I said ıf I would be you. Come on..."  A shadow appeared above me, leaning over me and trying to look at me. I buried my face in my pillow so he couldn't see me laughing.  

           "You are not me. You are a much better person than me. You are an angel." 

          I knew him well enough to know from his tone that he was grinning.  

         "Don't flatter me, sir."     

         "I couldn't hear what you said? You're suffocating yourself with a pillow."   

         "I'm saying flattery won't save you, you fell into the pit you dug yourself."   

        "Aha, I thought you weren't going to talk to me?"   

          I didn't speak out.    

         "Well, you know. I have upset you enough today... Whatever you do, you are right." 

          I saw his shadow move away from me, and judging by the rustling coming from the sheets, he must have moved away from me as well. All I wanted to do was be a little coy, but I guess it was too much. I almost screamed when I turned to see where he had gone. 

         He was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking at me smiling.    "Ha ! I knew it !"  he said with a laugh.     "You're really crazy."  I said as I took his pillow and slapped him in the face. 

        He almost fell down because he was sitting at the edge of the bed.   

           "Oh my God, Jensen!"    I said as I reached out to hold him.     "I think you're a little crazy too, love."  

           I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure I learned from you."    "Maybe I learned it from you."   he said with a wink.  

          "If you keep talking, you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight." 

         "It's okay if you sleep with me."   Jensen said.

         "I see that you quickly forgot all the things you said."   

          The smile on his face slowly faded, "You're right, I overstepped my bounds. I'm sorry."   

          "I'm going to take a shower."  

         "Okay, I'll found something for dinner. Is pizza okay?"        "Yep."


Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now