A Padalecki Wedding 3 (J.A)

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       Three hours later, the other bridesmaids arrived, and all the hair and makeup procedures were completed. Genevieve looked like a princess in her gorgeous wedding dress, with her hair tied up in a bun. I wore my lilac bridesmaid dress with a slight slit and had my hair straightened and tied up with a small braid.

"You look beautiful, my friend." I said, holding Gen's hand.

"I hope Jared won't be speechless when he sees you." 

She laughed, "I hope not, because he needs to say his wedding vows. You look beautiful too, by the way."

"Oh, come on, all the bridesmaids are wearing the same dress!" I replied.

     She shrugged and motioned for me to lean over because she was still sitting in front of the vanity. "But it looks best on you."

"You're so sweet."

"I'm telling the truth. I wonder where the boys are?"

"They'll come soon, don't panic. Besides, he shouldn't see the bride before the wedding, remember?"

"Yes, you're right."

"I mean, I don't understand how long it can take, since they just need to take a shower and put on a suit."

"OMG, YES!?" she exclaimed, spreading her hands to the sides and shouting, "We've been trying to do makeup for 2 hours in this heat." she said, laughing.

     Just then, my phone rang. I looked at the screen and waved the phone at Genevieve. "Speak of the devil."

   She laughed, "Answer it."

"What if I don't answer, let him wait a little longer to see me."

"But if a beautiful girl among the guests grabs him, I won't interfere." she said, pointing out the window at the guests who were slowly starting to arrive.

"OH MY GOD, GEN!!!"  I shouted as my phone began to ring insistently for the second time.

"I am the bride, I have immunity!!!" she said, raising both hands in the air. I rolled my eyes and answered the phone. "Are you here?"

"We're here. Are you okay? You sound angry. Are we late?"

"No, no, you came just in time. Where are you?"

"At the entrance. I thought we would enter together."

"Okay darling, I'll be right back."

"I am waiting, sweetie."

      I arrived a few minutes later. When he saw me, he whistled and said, "You are more beautiful than I imagined. Come and let me take a look." as he took my hand and turned me around.

"You are very beautiful." he said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You are very handsome too, darling." 

       He kissed my neck and said, "I am a very lucky man. By the way, tell me, who made my beautiful girl angry?"

"Oh, never mind."

"Can you tell me please?"

"We are standing in front of the door. Come on, let's go in."

     He shook his head, "Say it first."

"Okay, but no fooling around."


"When you called me, Gen said that if I didn't hurry, a beautiful girl from among the guests would grab you, and I was angry with her."

     He pressed his lips together to avoid laughing, "Are you jealous of me?"

"Maybe... But you're not unenviable either, sir."

"Thank you."  he said with a laugh, "Don't worry, no one will catch me when the most beautiful girl of the wedding is next to me."

"Let them try it!" I said playfully.

"You're so bad." he said, hugging me. I inhaled the scent of his perfume, it smelled very nice.

"Guys, have you seen my future wife?"  We were interrupted by Jared's voice.

"In the bride's room. You're not thinking of going to her, surely!?" I said.

"I am thinking ?" Jared replied, winking at Jensen. "Don't be ridiculous. It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."  I added.

"Do you hear her, bro?" said Jared, winking at Jensen. "Keep in mind, if you barge into the room in the future, Y/N may blind you with the heel of her shoe before you can even say the wedding."

I blushed, "Holy shit, Jared. You're already messing with me on your wedding day."

"Okay, okay, I was joking. I'm sorry, please don't be angry."

"I forgive you for now, since it's your wedding day..." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"We love you..."

"I love you too..."  As Jared was walking away, I held Jensen's hand and shook it, "Don't be afraid, I won't do anything like that."

"My love, I am willing to do anything with you." he said while kissing me.

I laughed, "Come on, let's go inside. Most of the guests have arrived. It will start soon."

"Let's go, beautiful."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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