A Padalecki Wedding (J.A)

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       The big day had finally arrived... My best friend, Genevieve, was getting married today, and I was her bridesmaid. Today was both beautiful and very sad for me.

    Genevieve and I had been close friends since college, and we lived together until 2 months ago. When Jared proposed to her, they decided to live together before getting married, and our time as roommates ended. Although I knew this day would come eventually, I couldn't help but feel incredibly sad. Genevieve was like the sister I always wished I had. Since it would be challenging for me to afford rent on my own after leaving our shared house, and because I was still working on my master's degree and hadn't found a job yet, I moved in with my boyfriend, Jensen, to take our relationship, which had been going on for almost 2 years, to the next level. While this initially made me nervous, I soon realized that living with him was the right decision.

      Lost in my thoughts, I was brought back by Jensen's voice. "Good morning, my beauty." 

    I turned to him and smiled, "Good morning, darling."       

     "I can't wait to see you in your bridesmaid dress."                                                                                                                                                                                                

       "Don't overdo it, J, it's just a dress." I said, still smiling. 

        He hadn't seen the dress yet, and I had no intention of showing it until I was getting ready for the wedding.  "But it's you inside." he replied, sitting up slightly and looking at me. 

      I gently caressed his cheek, "I can't wait to see you in your tuxedo, too."   

        He shook his head with a smile, "But we already picked it out together. You know how I look. It's not fair."    

                                                                                                                                                                                                             I blinked, "But it's you inside."     "Oh!" he exclaimed and kissed me. 

      Just then, my phone started ringing.   "Come on, we were having a romantic moment!!!" Jensen protested. I laughed and checked my phone; it was Genevieve.   "If I don't answer this call, Gen may never let you see your girlfriend again."    I teased him. He sighed and lay back on his pillow; sometimes he acted like a little boy.

         When I answered the phone, Genevieve's sweet voice greeted me, "Good morning, my dear bridesmaid.""Good morning. How did you sleep last night?"  

        "I couldn't sleep much because of my excitement, as usual. But you know, I'm used to it from the sets."  

        "I know, dear. I had a hard time sleeping from excitement too. But everything will be great. Because?"  

       "Because we have each other."  

      "Exactly. How's Jared?" 

   "Would it surprise you if I said he's more relaxed than me?"  

    "No, it wouldn't surprise me. I have one of them with me right now. Classic men..."

        As Genevieve's laughter echoed through the phone, Jensen raised an eyebrow at me. I blew him a kiss and continued the conversation.   "I'll be having breakfast now." I said, holding the phone away briefly to check the time. "And I'll be there in 2 hours for final arrangements and to get ready." 

      "You're the best. I won't keep you any longer then. See you, say hi to J." 

      "Okay, dear. See you." 

          After ending the call, I turned to Jensen. "Gen said hi. I need to have breakfast and then get ready to leave."  

        As the bridesmaid and her best friend, I would go first and help the bride get ready at the wedding venue before preparing myself. We found this to be more economical for all of us.

        "Okay, baby, you start getting ready. I'll make breakfast."      

        "You're the perfect man." I said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. 

     I quickly went to the bathroom to shower. As I dried my hair and packed my belongings into my bag, Jensen called out to me, "Y/N, breakfast is ready, babe."   

      "I'm coming!"  I replied, grabbing my bag and heading downstairs to the kitchen.

      "Are you ready?" Jensen asked.                                                                                                                        

   "Yes. What about you? Will you accompany me, or  are you meeting Jared elsewhere as the best man ?"

    "Let's see..."  Jensen scratched his chin thoughtfully, a gesture I always loved.  "Of course, I'm accompanying you. It wouldn't hurt for me to check out the place as the best man."   

   I smiled and nodded, "Good plan. Where's your tuxedo?"        

  "Upstairs..." he replied, winking at me and taking a bite of his toast.           

  "Aren't you going to take it with you?"  I teased, laughing.  

  "I'll already be ready by the time you finish that toast." he grinned. We finished our breakfast shortly after and were ready to leave the house.


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