After The Hell Gate (D.W)

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      "Castiel, please... You need to take me there."

      "I can't, Y/N. It could be dangerous for you. For your baby..."

      "I need to see Dean. He needs me. With Sam like this..."

       I couldn't continue my sentence; a few tears rolled down my cheeks. Three months ago, we had a chance to seal the gate of Hell. All we had to do was complete three tests and then continue with our lives where we left off. Dean, as usual, volunteered for the job. Until a few days later, when we found out I was pregnant... What needed to be done carried a great risk, embarking on an irreversible path. When Sam found out I was pregnant, he volunteered to do the tests. But none of us had thought he would be on his deathbed today. Or rather, we didn't want to believe it. It had been two days since we moved to perform the final test. And a few hours ago, Dean called Castiel to deliver the bad news. Sam had completed the final test but his body couldn't take it anymore. He was in a coma, the doctors said the chances of survival were slim. Meanwhile, I was pleading with Castiel to take me to the hospital. To comfort my husband and perhaps say goodbye to my closest friend...

    When I started crying, Castiel came and hugged me. "Please..." I said once more. "Dean won't like this."   said Castiel.

     "I want to be there. If you don't take me, I'll go myself. Think about which one Dean would be more angry with."

     Castiel took a deep breath, "Very well."

       Some time later, we arrived at the hospital where Sam lay. I approached the reception. "Hello. We're here to see Sam Winchester."

      "What's the patient's condition?"

      "I'm his sister-in-law."

     "Ah, Mrs. Winchester. He's in room 205. Third room on the right..."

      "Thank you."

        I walked quickly down the corridor. When we reached room 205, I took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door. Then I entered. Dean was sitting with his head in his hands, watching Sam. He didn't even turn to see who had entered. "Dean?" I said, trying to control the tremble in my voice. He slowly turned his head. His eyes were red from crying.  "Sweetheart, what are you doing here? Cass!!!"

       "I did what I could." Castiel said softly.

        "I couldn't leave you alone like this." I said, going to him and putting my hand on his shoulder. My eyes were fixed on Sam lying in bed. There was nothing left of that strong man. Dean slowly stood up from the chair and put his hand on my growing belly. "You need to stay away from stress. I can't lose you both." His voice trembled as he spoke the last sentence. I held his hand on my belly.  "We're okay. You won't lose Sam, my love. This little girl will see how amazing her uncle is."   And I couldn't hold back my tears. Dean held me in his arms and stroked my hair,  "I needed you."

     "I know."

     "I'll leave you alone..." Castiel intervened.

   "You're not going anywhere, Cass!"  Dean said. "I think having the whole family here will be good for Sam."

Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now