To Honeymoon 3 (D.W)

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        When we stopped at a gas station, Dean turned to me, "What can I get you?"   

       "I'll come too. I need to go to the bathroom. "   

          He shook his head up and down. When I got out of the car, I breathed in the fresh air, "I love the summer months."    

        "Did you tell me something?" Dean asked, who had just gotten out of the car.    "I was talking to myself."   

          He came to me and put his arm around my waist, "What were you saying?"    "I was saying that I love summer months."     

          "As long as the weather isn't too hot, me too..."   he said.

          "Then I whine about wishing winter would come."  I said laughing.      

       "Yeah, I know."  Dean said, kissing my cheek, "Come on, let's get our work done first. Then I'll fill the tank."   

         When we entered the gas station, I first went to the sink. I washed my face with cold water before leaving. It felt so good... Dean had already finished his work and was waiting for me. Water was running down his face.  I laughed, "Did you put your head under the tap?"    

         He grinned, " Maybe."

       We decided to buy ourselves sandwiches and filter coffee.  "Do you want anything else, dear? We have a long way to go. Although we'll stop again, but..."  

     "Should we get chocolate?"   I said like a little girl. Even though I know he'll buy any change. Because if there's one thing Dean loves more in this life, after me and his brother, I hope, it's food.  

       "That's a great idea."   

      After buying everything we needed, we paid for the gas and then left. While Dean was filling the tank, I leaned back in the car and started eating my sandwich. When he finished, he came over and leaned on the car, just like me.  "Are you going to eat, too?" 

       "Of course."     "Okay, then hold mine and I'll get yours from the car."  

        I handed him my half-eaten sandwich and opened the car door. After taking the sandwich, I called out, "Darling, do you want your coffee too?"     "Yes."

       "Here you go."   When I made eye contact with Dean, he was chewing on a bite of my sandwich. He grinned with his mouth full, "Thank you, baby."   

       "You were just going to wait a few seconds."  I said laughing, "Then I'll eat yours too."          "We agreed."   

        After putting the coffees on the hood of the car, I took a bite of his sandwich and handed it to him, "Come on, let's swap." 

       We exchanged sandwiches. While I was sipping my coffee, Dean crumpled up the paper of his finished sandwich, took his coffee in his hand and held it up, "I raise my glass to us."  

      I smiled and gently touched my coffee to his, "Us..." 

        I crumpled up the sandwich wrapper after eating our breakfast without speaking. Then I extended my hand to Dean, "Give me so I can take out the trash." 

    He had already finished it. "Okay, but come quickly."   

      "Don't worry, we'll make it to the hotel."   "That's why I didn't say that!"  Dean called after me. The trash can was opposite where we parked Impala. When I turned to him, I frowned slightly and said, "Why did you say that?"  

         He hugged my waist and pulled me to himself, leaning his forehead on mine, "Because I was going to say I  will miss you."    

        I grinned, "Oh, right?"   

        "Exactly."  he said and kissed my lips. When he stopped kissing me, this time I kissed his lips. He placed his hands on my hips, "I'm so in love with you."   

           I giggled, "Me too Winchester..."

Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now