Hunter Life (D.W)

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         I lay on the bed at the hotel we were staying in, anxiously awaiting the return of my boyfriend Dean and his brother Sam. They had left the hotel 3 hours ago to conclude a new case we were pursuing. Despite all my insistence, Dean said I should stay behind. If they didn't come to the ınn by five o'clock, which was only an hour left, I had to be ready to call for help. As time ran out, my tension began to increase. Maybe I made a mistake listening to him, I should have gone and helped them. Fifteen minutes later, the sound of the key turning in the door interrupted my thoughts, and I jumped up from where I had been lying with excitement.  

        "I was so worried. Well-..."   Before I could finish my sentence, my eyes catch Dean, who was being supported from Sam to prevent him from falling. Blood was trickling from his forehead and eyebrow.

         "Oh my God, Dean!"  

         I ran over to them and grabbed Dean's other arm. "What happened ?"     

       "I'm okay, baby. Don't be scared..."  Dean spoke slowly, his grimace betraying the pain he felt

       "Sam!? Are you going to tell me what's going on?"  I asked again as we gently laid Dean down on the bed. I sat right next to his bedside. 

       "He wanted to be bait. I tried to protest, but he wouldn't listen. You know how stubborn he is, Y/N."   

       "Dean! You promised me."  I said, my voice shaking with a mixture of fear and anger. I hated seeing him in pain, or even the thought that I might lose him.

        "We had no choice. You know that too, Sammy."   Dean replied, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

        I held his hand tightly, "I should have come too."  I murmured, my mind racing with scenarios of what could have happened.  

     "It's okay. We took care of it." Dean reassured me, squeezing my hand gently.

      "Sam, what about you? Are you hurt at all ?"   I turned to Sam, suddenly remembering his presence. 

     "No, no. I'm fine. Don't worry."  said Sam, smiling.    

    "You should see the other guy." Dean added with a grin, before wincing in pain. "Took a good blow to my jaw."

       I rolled my eyes, "You can even make jokes like this situation. I really can't understand you. We'd better clean your wounds."   

      After finding my bag to get the first aid supplies, I turned to Sam and said, "You get some rest too. I'll take care of your brother."   

      "You know you're a perfect person, right?"  said Sam.    

      "I know. "  I said, smiling and winking at him.

       He shook his head and laughed, "I'm right next door if you need anything."

      "Leave me alone with my nurse, Sammy."  Dean said as he sat up slightly.   

      "Oh, just forget about the man who saved you."  said Sam, laughing. "Well, so be it."

      Returning my attention to Dean, I sat back down beside him. "Does it hurt a lot, darling?" I asked softly.

        He smiled, "Not  too much."  

        Carefully, I poured alcohol onto a cotton pad and began cleaning his wounds. He winced slightly.  "I'm sorry. Am I hurting you?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.

  "No, alcohol burns. There's nothing wrong with you, you're a great nurse."   I smiled and continued my work.   "Fortunately, no stitches are required."    I said when I put the last band-aid on.   

    "Is it over ?"   he asked impatiently. 

     "It's all done. You are free now."   I said, laughing.     

      "Actually... I think you missed some spot."  Dean remarked mischievously.             

      I frowned, "Do you have any other wounds? Let's take off that jacket."    

      He didn't resist when I reached to take off his jacket.     "Dean?" 

       He laughed, "No, it's not there."  

      "Are you kidding me?"  

        He pointed to his lips with his finger, "You missed this spot , babe"    

      "Oh my God, you're like a little kid. And I'm standing here worrying about you."   I said sternly, part of me yearning to kiss him.  

        "Come on. I missed you. Didn't you miss me?"  

        In response, I reached up and kissed his lips.

       "I counted every minute until you walked through the door. You scared the hell out of me."  I said. 

       "I'm fine. I just took the best medicine that can help me."  he said, laughing.

       I smiled, "Get some rest, Dean."   "On one condition."  he said, his eyes meeting mine.


     "Stay with me."        "Gladly."  

        When Dean lay down, I lay down next to him, turned sideways and looked at his face. Tiredness flowed from his green eyes.  "Do you want any painkillers?" I asked suddenly. 

     "No I just want you."  he said, caressing my cheek.    

     "No hunting without me again. You can't go anywhere without me."    "I can't promise that."   

     "Dean Winchester!!!"  

    He suddenly kissed my lips. When our lips parted he spoke, "Did you know you're so sexy when you're angry?"           "You're trying to change the subject."

         He kissed my lips once again, "Maybe..." 

       I rolled my eyes, "I'm keeping quiet because you're hurt."

     He grinned.   

          "For now..."   I quickly added, "Now wipe that stupid winning look off your face and go to sleep."  

         "Yes, ma'am."  he said, laughing. I couldn't help but laugh, "I'm serious, Dean." "Okay."            I started ruffling his hair. After a while he fell asleep next to me.


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