Love Me, That's All I Ask Of You 2 (D.W)

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       When I woke up in the morning, Dean wasn't there. But he was in the room. He and Sam were already awake and drinking their coffee at the table.   

     "I bought it for you too."  Dean said, pointing to the other cup on the table, when he noticed me looking at him.  "Good morning to you too, Winchester."  I said harshly as I sat up from where I was lying. 

        Then I looked at Sam and smiled, "Good morning, Sammy."    I could see Dean's attention focused on his coffee cup. He looked confused . I went to the bathroom, changed and then sat next to them to drink my coffee. We sipped our coffees in silence.   

       "You were sleeping when I came yesterday."  Dean broke the silence. I raised my head and looked at his face, "Should I have waited for you?" I replied harshly. "I didn't say such a thing."   He looked sideways at his brother. Sam cleared his throat, "I had things to get from the car."

      Once we were alone, Dean reached out to take my hand. I pulled my hand back and placed it on my lap. When he looked at me with questioning eyes, I looked away.   "I don't want to be like this."  he said slowly.    "You're the one who got us into this situation, Dean."  I said. 

         "I know. Let me fix it."   "Did you mean what you said last night?"   

        "No. I knew they would hurt you."   "And you chose to hurt me..."    "I..."   

        "Dean, do you really think I don't understand that you're trying to push me away?"    "I don't want you to get hurt."   

        "Don't you understand ?" I said as I couldn't stand it anymore and started crying, "What really hurts me is that you started to ignore me. I love you, stupid man. Despite everything you've done, everything we've been through, I still love you. No matter what happens to you, I want to be by your side. You don't talk to me, I don't know what you're thinking. I thought I was a part of your life. I thought you loved me too. But I guess I was wrong."   

        He quickly got up from his chair, knelt in front of me and wiped the tears from my eyes. He also had tears in his eyes.   "I love you very much. More than you can imagine. You are not a part of my life, you are my life. Throughout my life, I have attempted to do things beyond my age, I have been both mother and father to Sam. That was all I knew, my only goal. To make my father proud. I didn't have a life, Y/N. Until I met you... But I'm scared. I'm so scared of losing you and not being able to protect you both. Forgive me."  

         "Dean, you can't protect me by pushing me away from you. You're only hurting me by doing so. In this state, it doesn't really matter to me what happens to me."  

       Dean bowed his head and stood silently. I continued speaking, "Let me heal your wounds. With you, I have become a much stronger person than the girl I used to be. Because I know you are by my side every moment. Let me do the same for you. I know, it is very difficult for a man like you to say that you feel weak. But you don't need to hide it around me." 

         When he slowly raised his head, I saw his reddened green eyes. He tried to smile, "Who am I kidding? I hate every minute you're not with me. Every time we come back from hunting, I forget all my tiredness when you're in my arms. After what I said to you last night, I keep wishing you'd come back and slap me. I was so angry at myself that I couldn't even follow you. I didn't have the courage to see how I hurt you. That's just who I am. A guy who tries to show himself strong but is secretly a coward..."  

       I reached out and put my hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes.  "You're the strongest man I've ever seen, Dean. You're just too proud to ask for help."  

      He took my hand on his cheek and brought it to his lips.   "Forgive me, darling."   "I forgive you."  I said smiling, "But on one condition..."    "I'll do anything for you."   "Stand up and hug me."

        Dean took me into his arms and hugged me tightly.  "I love you."  he whispered into my ear.   "I love you too."   

        "How long do you think it'll take for Sam to finish his business in the car?"  he asked with a grin.   "Why ?"  I asked in surprise.    "An idea came to my mind..."  And before I couldn't answer, he grabbed my waist and made me sit on the table.

       I smiled, "I don't think he'll be back for a while."   He took his phone out of his pocket and said, "Let's make sure."                      

       I laughed, "What are you doing?"     "I'll tell him to take a tour with Impala."  he said with a grin. The phone answered on the first ring, "Hey Sam, hang around for a while. A few hours... And bring us a pie when you come back."   

       Then he almost threw the phone on the chair, "Yes, where were we?"   When our lips met, I felt my whole body on fire. It was impossible for us to stay apart when we were so connected to each other. I could tell Dean was laughing as he kissed my lips. He mumbled while kissing my neck, "I can't leave you even if I wanted to."   "Don't leave..."

     It was almost noon when Sam returned. We had already laid down on our bed and started watching movie. Although I almost fell asleep on Dean's chest. Sam smiled when he saw us like that, "I didn't think I'd miss seeing you like this."  

       Instead of answering, I winked at him.        

     "Did you bring a pie?"  Dean asked. Sam waved the bag in his hand, "When did you see me forget?"    "Well done man."   

       I giggled when Sam rolled his eyes. "I thought you were sleeping." Dean said as he patted my arm. "No, I wasn't sleeping. I am watching the movie."  

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