Ordinary Day (J.A)

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        Jensen had been doing an online interview for about 2 hours. I was lying on the sofa in the living room, staring at the ceiling out of boredom. I put my headphones on and started listening to music. I'm dancing stupidly on the floor with my eyes closed until I opened them and saw Jensen standing over me, smiling, which made me let out a little scream of fear...  

      "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, baby."   he said, stretching his hands towards me in panic. I got up from where I was lying and held his hands, "You startled me."  I said, taking a deep breath. 

       He sat next to me, still holding my hands, and kissed my cheek, "I called out to you several times, but you didn't hear."    I smiled and said, "I was already starting to feel sleepy, but it's a good thing I came to my senses. So, how was the interview?"  

      "It went well, but I didn't expect it to take this long. There were some technical stuffs..."   

       "So did I. Do you want something to drink?" 

        "Maybe later. Right now I just want to lay on this couch."    

        "Then I'll get up and you can lie down."     

        "I actually thought that you'll join me..."  he said with a wink. 

        "Oh, really?"  I said, placing my hand on his cheek. He nodded and kissed the palm of my hand.    

      "Well then."  I stood up from my seat and watched Jensen lie down on the couch, and then I sat down next to him. When I put my head on his shoulder he said, "Are you comfortable?"    

     "Yes dear. You?"   "Very..."  he said and wrapped his arm around my waist. We lay there without talking for a while. When I turned my head slightly upwards to look at his face, I found him smiling with his eyes closed.

       Thinking that he was sleeping, he kissed my fingertips while moving my fingers over his lips. I giggled, "I thought you were sleeping." 

        He opened one eye, "I was just enjoying the moment."   

        I ran my fingers over his beard, which was just starting to grow. "Have you ever seen me smile while sleeping?"   "Oh, many times." 

        "Are you serious ?"  he said, frowning in surprise.  I laughed, "Yes. Sometimes, when you come from the set and fall asleep, I come into the room to cover you. Then I kiss you and you smile, but you never wake up at that times."  

       "I'm not aware of it at all, you know?"   he said and then kissed my hair, "I love you."

        "I love you too."

Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now