Love, Argument and Pizza 2 (J.A)

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            When Jensen took a shower, I started staring at the ceiling from where I lay, grinning stupidly. Even after all this time, his touches still made me drunk with happiness, just like the first day.   

        "Psst, beauty, it's your turn."  Jensen said as he came out of the bathroom, drying his wet hair with his towel. I got out of bed and kissed Jensen on the cheek.   

      "Thanks."   I said, still unable to stop smiling.  

      "Why are you laughing?"   Jensen asked. 

       "Nothing."  I said, shrugged my shoulders and went into the bathroom. When I came out, Jensen was sitting on the bed looking at his phone. When he noticed me entering the room, he looked up from his phone, looked at me and winked.   

       "I think I'll order pizza for dinner. What do you say?"   he asked.

       "I think it's a great idea."   

       "I'm starting to get hungry, what about you ?"   he asked.  

      "Me too..."   

      "Okey, I am ordering then."    


        While I drying my hair with a towel, he said, "It'll be there in half an hour."   I nodded. I took my comb, sat at my dressing table and started humming a song. When I stood up to get the hair dryer from the bathroom, I saw Jensen watching me with his hand on his chin and smiling.  

       "I love when you sing."  he said.

       I felt my cheeks slowly warming up. He laughed when he saw me like that, "And even though we've been together for 6 years, you still turn red every time I compliment you."    

       "I'm a shy girl."  I said, shrugging my shoulders.   

       "I know babygirl."   He stood up and came to me, "I'm going downstairs, if the pizza comes we might not hear it from here. You come when you're finished."   He kissed my cheek and left the room.

         Since my hair is extremely thick, the drying phase has always been a very tiring process for me. Fortunately, since it was the end of May, the weather was extremely warm. So after drying it slightly, I conditioned my hair and went downstairs to join my husband. Jensen was sitting on the sofa in the living room. I put my hands on his shoulders. He leaned his head back and looked at me, and I smiled and kissed his still damp hair. While kissing him, my hair must have tickled his face because he giggled.

      "You didn't dry your hair."  he remarked. 

      "Yes. Believe me, I don't have the mood to deal with them right now."     

      "Are you tired?"  he said, laughing mischievously. 

       "Just a little bit. But it was worth it."  I said with a wink.     


    Just then the doorbell rang. Jensen got up and opened the door. He returned a few minutes later with a pizza box in his hand.

     "Where were we?"  he asked.  

      I laughed and shrugged my shoulders and imitated him, "Where were we?"  

       He left the box in his hand on the coffee table and hugged me around the waist, "Do you want me to remind you?"   

       I hugged his waist, "I want to."   He kissed my lips. When our lips parted, I couldn't help but grin stupidly. When he saw me in that state, he laughed and said, "I have bad news for you, my dear."     

      "What?"  I said in surprise.   

"You are so in love with me..."       I giggled, "Did you just realize this?"    He hugged me tightly, "I love you so much."   "I also love you very much."

          "Come on, let's eat."   he said as he left me and took the pizza box he placed on the coffee table with one hand and held my hand with the other. When we entered the kitchen, I let go of his hand and opened the refrigerator door.

       "What would you like to drink?"    "What we have ?"    "Lemon soda, cola, beer and..."   I said laughing, "There is chocolate milk."  

      He laughed, "Anything is fine with me except chocolate milk."   

      While taking two plates from the cupboard, he added, "Give me whatever you want to drink, my love."   

      I stood in front of the fridge for a while, "Hmm, I think I'll have a lemon soda."   I said, looking at Jensen with questioning eyes. He smiled and nodded. I took out two bottles of lemon soda and placed them on the table. When I turned to get a glass, Jensen handed me one of the glasses he was holding in his hand.   

    "I think you were looking for this."  he said.  

    "What would I do without you?"   I said and kissed his cheek.  

     "You could have bought your own glass, my dear."  he said while laughing and kissing my cheek. I patted his arm, "I think you know what I mean."    

      "I understand, darling. I just enjoy teasing you."  "You've actually made me angry enough today... If you don't want to push your luck too much, what do you say, dear?" 

    He raised both hands in the air as if to show surrender, "Okay, okay, I'm silent. Besides..."       He grabbed my waist and pulled me to himself, "What would I do without you?"                         "You could have bought your own soda, handsome."  I said, biting my lips to keep from laughing. He threw his head back and laughed, and I loved it when he did that.                                  

     "I think you know what I mean."  he said with a wink. Before I could answer he kissed my lips. When our lips parted, I messed up his messy hair, which had started to dry, with my hand. He blew a strand of hair that fell in front of his eyes and said, laughing, "The pizza was ice cold."       "I think so too. Let's eat now." 


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