Jealousy, Jealousy (D.W)

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         While Sam and I were questioning the patient, Dean was trying to gather information from the doctors and nurses.  

      "Have you experienced any strange events lately?"  Sam asked the young woman. She was almost our age. She must have been 22-23 years old.  

        "No. Actually, I don't remember. I suddenly found myself here."    Sam and I looked at each other. It looked like we wouldn't get any more information, at least for now... 

          I smiled, "Okay Ms. Evan. Get well soon again."         "Thank you."

           As we left the patient's room, we found Dean talking to a nurse right next to the door. He seemed unusually friendly with her, and she appeared quite taken with him, giggling at his remarks. 

         Dean seemed oblivious to my presence, and I felt a surge of frustration rising within me. Despite being together for a year, Dean and I were now acting as FBI agents on duty, yet I couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort. 

        "Someone seems quite content."   I remarked sternly to Sam.   " He's just acting, Y/N."    

         Just then, the nurse moved closer to Dean,and before I could react, Sam grabbed my arm, stopping me, "Maybe he'll learn something."    

          "So what, should I watch a girl fall into my boyfriend? And while he seems very happy with this situation?" 

            When he opened his mouth to answer I stopped him, "I knew him before start dating Sam. You know exactly how much of a womanizer he is."  

          "That was before he knew you."  

         "Whatever. If you need me, I'll be in front of the hospital."    I said.

         "Okay. There's nothing else we can do for now anyway."

            As we passed by them, Dean and I locked eyes briefly. I turned my head sharply forward and continued walking quickly.I quickly averted my gaze and hastened my steps. Moments later, someone grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. It was Dean...

         "Where are you going in such a hurry?"  he asked.   

         "Somewhere where I can't see you."  I said through my teeth.  

           "Are you jealous of me?"  he teased.   

          "Let go of my arm."  I said instead of answering the question he asked. 

          "What happens if I don't?"   he said with a grin.  

          "I'll break your arm so bad you'll never be able to touch any woman again."

         "Ugh! When you talk like that, I fall even more in love with you."   

          "Hah!"  I said, rolling my eyes. 

          "Come on, baby... I swear, I didn't do anything. She started it, so I just kept up, thinking maybe I'd learn something."    

        Just then Sam appeared next to us and interrupted, "We'd better get out. If you start fighting, we'll draw attention to ourselves."   

         "Sam is right."  I said after I managed to free my arm from Dean.

         When we left the hospital and went to where we parked the Impala, Dean broke the silence, "Did you learn anything?" 

      "She doesn't remember before or at the time of the accident. Her doctor said it was normal, but I don't know. Maybe there is something else involved."

   "Do you suspect that her memory has been erased or something?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow.      

      "If she's been possessed..."  Sam said, "I think we should stop by again in a few days. Maybe she'll start to remember."   

        "Worth to try."  said Dean.  

        "What about you ?"  I asked, glaring at him, "What did you learn?"   

       "The woman was unconscious when she was brought to the hospital. But after a while, she started mumbling in her sleep. She always said the same words: "Come to me."    

      "I think we are dealing with a spirit? Or worse, a demon." said Sam, "We need more evidence."   

       "If you need to talk to the woman's friends or something, send Dean. He'll sort things out in no time."  I said sarcastically.  I saw Dean roll his eyes. 

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