Chapter 2

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Almost a week had passed, a good amount of snow had coated the landscape, and the knights were presumed to arrive soon. The lady of the castle was waiting impatiently on the knights to arrive. Rosie stood beside her looking out of the window to see when they would arrive. She turned to her empress "They are here!" The younger girl shouted excitedly.

Jennie rushed down to the throne room where she was supposed to greet the two knights. Jong-in was already sitting on his throne that was a bit larger than her own. She sat down beside him and waited patiently for the two knights to arrive. Rosie and a couple of other maids were there too, excited to see the new staff of the castle.

Two guards opened the doors and the knights followed shortly after. They were both hooded with thick coats as the snow was falling and the temperatures were in the minus. One of them was noticeably taller and bigger than the other, Jennie had yet to see their faces. They both stepped in front of the two rulers and removed their hoods. The Empress's attention was set on the person who stood in front of her, long brown hair put in a ponytail, deep dark brown eyes, and unexpectedly soft features. "A female knight?" The stunned woman thought out loud.

"Yes, she was suited for this job, I made sure of that." Her husband replied. She had never in her life seen or even heard of a female knight and somehow Jong-in had managed to find one for her. This must have been the reason why he had shown no sign of jealousy, she was a woman. A beautiful one as well.

Jong-in's knight bowed down on one knee to greet the emperor and Jennie's knight did the same. "I pledge my life to you, Empress, I will serve and protect you with all I have. My name is Lisa." She took Jennie's hand in hers and kissed the back of it. The soft lips of Lisa lingered on the empress for a couple of seconds before pulling away. Jennie could only think of how soft those lips felt on her hand, countless men had done so too, but their lips and beards seemed so...rough. The Empress was so caught off guard that she had forgotten to speak to her new knight. Her husband touched her arm and looked at her with a worried look. "Are you disappointed, my queen?" He asked. Jennie shook her head. "No. Surprised." She replied as her gaze went back to the woman sitting on one knee in front of her.

"My name is Jennie. I am looking forward to having you as my knight." The Empress replied. Lisa gave a small smile and nodded. Jennie stood up from her throne and looked down to see her new knight was still in a kneeling position. "I will show her around." She told her husband, he nodded as he continued to talk to his knight. "Stand Knight." She ordered Lisa. She followed the Empress's orders and stood up. They walked out of the throne room with Rosie following them.

"Can you find Jisoo?" Rosie nodded and ran off.

"Your name was Lisa? where are you from?" Jennie asked. She had grown nervous around her guard and she was unsure why. She never had difficulties speaking to people. "I am from Khougon, your highness." The empress knew little about the land, but she had heard of it before, it was far away, not a part of the empire the two rulers had control over. They spoke a different language there and most of the people looked different from what they did in the Rucuidian Empire. Lisa's English was perfect.

Jisoo suddenly appeared. "Oh, you have arrived, hello. Let me show you your room." Jisoo had gotten the room ready which is why the empress had asked for Jisoo to come. The room was closer to Jennie's bed chambers than she thought, but it made sense seeing as Lisa was her protector. Jisoo unlocked the door and opened it. The room was big, not something the maids would ever get. A big queen-sized bed, lavish furniture complimented the crimson red color theme. it was homey and it had a connected bathroom to it, it was not as big as Jennie's and Jong-in's bedroom, but it was enough to be called a luxury room. "Do you like it?" The empress asked.

"I love it," Lisa replied as she stepped into the room and looked around. Jisoo left after that leaving only Jennie and Lisa alone. Another maid put the knight's bag in the room, her belongings had been checked before they were returned to her. Lisa removed her coat leaving her in black lacquered metal armor. Jennie noticed the knight's weapons, A bow, something that looked like a spear with a blade at the end, a thin, slightly curved sword, and god knows what else. The empress suspected that her new knight was a skillful warrior which she thought was impressive seeing how young the knight seemed.

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